13 Letter Words for Beatification
11 Letter Words for Beatification
facetiation, tabefaction
10 Letter Words for Beatification
antibiotic, factionate
9 Letter Words for Beatification
abietinic, acetation, anabiotic, ebionitic, faciation, fictation, itaconate
8 Letter Words for Beatification
abaction, aconitia, actiniae, antefact, antiface, banatite, beatific, betonica, biotitic, boniface, botanica, ciabatte, cibation, citation, confetti, enfatico, fanatico, fetation, incitate, initiate, notitiae, tacitean, taconite
7 Letter Words for Beatification
abietic, abietin, abiotic, acetoin, aconite, acontia, actaeon, actinia, anteact, antifat, antoeci, attonce, bainite, binotic, biontic, biotite, bitcoin, bonetta, boniata, botanic, bottine, cabinet, cabotin, cantate, catboat, cetonia, entotic, facient, faction, fanatic, fiancae, fiction, iceboat, nicotia, nictate, niobate, niobite, notitia, oceania, oficina, oncetta, tabacin, tabetic, tabific, tabinet, taction, tectona, tetania, tetanic, tibetan, tibicen, titania, titanic, tonetic
6 Letter Words for Beatification
abacot, abanet, abatic, abaton, abient, acetin, acoine, actine, action, aeonic, afaint, aition, anatto, anetic, anotia, anotta, antiae, antica, atocia, atonia, atonic, attain, attica, attice, attone, bainie, banate, batino, batten, batton, beacon, befana, betain, bianco, bicone, bientt, biface, binate, bionic, biotic, biotin, bitnet, bitten, bittie, boatie, bonace, bonaci, bonita, botnet, cabane, cabiai, caftan, caitif, cantab, caoine, catena, cation, cattan, cattie, cebian, ceftin, centai, coaita, coatie, cobaea, confab, confit, conite, ctenii, enatic, fabian, fatten, fianca, fiance, finite, fitten, incite, inface, infect, initio, intact, intice, ionate, natica, niobic, noetic, notate, notice, oatbin, obtain, obtect, obtent, octane, octant, octine, otiant, otitic, tainte, tanica, tantie, taotai, tibiae, ticino, tienta, tiento, tietac, tintie, titano, titian, titien, tobine, tonite
5 Letter Words for Beatification
abaft, abate, abnet, abote, acate, aceta, acini, acoin, acone, actin, acton, aecia, aetat, aface, ainoi, anabo, anoia, antae, antic, atone, attic, bacao, bacin, bacon, bafta, baioc, banat, banca, banco, bania, batea, baton, batta, beano, beant, beata, beati, befan, befit, benic, bento, beton, betta, binit, biont, biota, bitte, boite, bonce, bonie, botan, botte, caban, cabin, cabio, cabot, canoe, canto, caoba, catan, ceiba, ceibo, ceint, centi, cento, cetin, coate, coati, cobia, conia, conta, conte, cotan, cotta, cotte, enact, encia, eniac, entia, ettin, facet, facie, facit, facto, faena, faine, faint, fanac, fanit, fecit, feint, fetta, fiant, ficin, fient, finca, fitte, foeti, ibota, iceni, ifint, inact, infit, ionia, ionic, necia, niata, nific, niobe, niota, nitta, oaten, obiit, ocean, octan, octet, often, oncet, oncia, ontic, otate, tabac, tabet, tabic, tacan, tacet, tacit, tafia, taino, taint, tania, tanoa, tanti, tanto, tatie, tatin, tecon, tecta, tenai, tenia, tenio, tibet, tibia, tinca, tinct, tinea, tinta, titan, tonic
4 Letter Words for Beatification
abac, abet, abit, acne, acta, aina, aine, aint, aion, anat, anba, ance, anet, anoa, anta, ante, anti, aona, atef, atoc, atta, atte, attn, bact, baft, baic, bain, bait, banc, bane, bani, bant, bata, bate, batt, bean, beat, bein, bena, beni, beno, bent, beta, bice, bien, bine, bino, bint, bion, bite, biti, bito, bitt, boat, boca, boce, bona, bone, bota, bote, boti, bott, caba, cafa, cafe, cain, cane, cant, caon, cate, cent, ceti, ciao, cine, cion, cite, cito, coat, coef, coft, coif, coin, coit, cone, conf, coni, cont, cote, cott, ebon, econ, ecto, ento, eoan, etat, etic, etna, eton, face, fact, fain, fait, fana, fane, fano, fant, faon, fate, feat, feni, fent, feta, fett, fiat, fica, fice, fico, fict, fine, fini, fino, fitt, foen, foin, fone, font, iaea, icao, icon, inbe, inca, info, inia, init, inta, inti, into, iota, itai, nabe, nace, naib, naif, naio, naoi, nato, neaf, neat, nebo, neif, neti, nice, nief, nife, nito, nota, note, nott, oban, obia, obit, octa, oeci, oint, onca, once, otic, tabi, tace, taco, tact, taen, taft, tain, tait, tana, tane, tate, tean, teat, teca, tent, tiao, tice, tien, tift, tinc, tine, tint, tite, titi, toat, tobe, toea, toft, toit, tone, tote
3 Letter Words for Beatification
aba, abc, abn, abo, abt, ace, act, afb, aft, aia, ain, ait, ana, anc, ane, ant, aob, ate, att, baa, bac, bae, bai, ban, bat, bcf, bec, bef, ben, bet, bin, bio, bit, bnf, boa, boc, boe, bon, bot, cab, caf, cai, can, cat, cen, ceo, cfi, cia, cie, cif, cit, cob, con, cot, cte, ctf, ctn, cto, ean, eat, ebn, ecb, eco, ect, eft, enc, eof, eon, eta, etc, fab, fac, fan, fao, fat, fbi, feb, fec, fei, fen, fet, fib, fie, fin, fit, fob, foe, fon, fot, iaa, iao, iba, ice, ifc, ife, iii, inc, inf, int, iof, ion, ita, naa, nab, nae, naf, nat, nbe, nco, nea, neb, nef, nei, neo, net, nib, nie, nit, noa, nob, not, oaf, oat, oba, obe, obi, oca, oct, oft, oie, oii, ona, one, oni, ont, otc, taa, tab, tai, tan, tao, tat, tea, tec, tef, ten, tet, tib, tic, tie, tin, tit, tnt, toa, tob, toc, toe, toi, ton, tot
Definitions for Beatification
[1] the act of beatifying.
[2] the state of being beatified.
[3] Roman Catholic Church . the official act of the pope whereby a deceased person is declared to be enjoying the happiness of heaven, and therefore a proper subject of religious honor and public cult in certain places.
Words related to Beatification
adoration, ritual, prayer, rite, devotion, love, adulation, genuflection, respect, idolatry, prostration, veneration, service, homage, idolization, invocation, offering, exaltation, regard, reverence
Words nearby Beatification
beaten biscuit, beaten track, beatenest, beater, beatific, beatification, beatify, beatinest, beating, beating-up, beatitude
Origin of Beatification
1495–1505; < Late Latin beātificātiōn- (stem of beātificātiō ), equivalent to beātificāt(us ) (past participle of beātificāre to beatify) + -iōn- -ion; see -ate1
Synonyms for Beatification
adoration, church service, devotion, prayer, rite, ritual, adulation, awe, benediction, chapel, deification, exaltation, genuflection, glory, homage, honor, idolatry, idolization, invocation, love, offering, praise, prostration, regard, respect, reverence, service, supplication, veneration, vespers, laudation