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Showing words for BEFORE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Before
5 Letter Words for Before
4 Letter Words for Before
3 Letter Words for Before
Definitions for Before
[1] previous to; earlier or sooner than: Phone me before noon.
[2] in front of; ahead of; in advance of: his shadow advancing before him; She stood before the window.
[3] ahead of; in the future of; awaiting: The golden age is before us.
[4] in preference to; rather than: They would die before surrendering.
[5] in precedence of, as in order or rank: We put freedom before wealth.
[6] in the presence or sight of: to appear before an audience.
[7] less than; until: used in indicating the exact time: It's ten before three.
[8] under the jurisdiction or consideration of: He was summoned before a magistrate.
[9] confronted by; in the face of: Before such wild accusations, he was too stunned to reply.
[10] in the regard of: a crime before God and humanity.
[11] under the overwhelming influence of: bending before the storm.
[12] without figuring or deducting: income before deductions.
[13] in front; in advance; ahead: The king entered with macebearers walking before.
[14] in time preceding; previously: If we'd known before, we'd have let you know.
[15] earlier or sooner: Begin at noon, not before.
[16] previous to the time when: Send the telegram before we go.
[17] sooner than; rather than: I will die before I submit.
[18] earlier than the time when
[19] rather than he'll resign before he agrees to it
[20] preceding in space or time; in front of; ahead of standing before the altar
[21] when confronted by to withdraw before one's enemies
[22] in the presence of to be brought before a judge
[23] in preference to to put friendship before money
[24] at an earlier time; previously; beforehand; in front
Words related to Before
previously, ahead, since, back, sooner, ante, ere, fore, former, formerly, forward, gone, heretofore, past, previous, afore, aforetime, antecedently, anteriorly, preceding
Words nearby Before
befitting, beflag, beflowered, befog, befool, before, before long, before the present, before the wind, before you can say jack robinson, before you know it
Origin of Before
before 1000; Middle English beforen, Old English beforan, equivalent to be by1 + foran before (fore fore1 + -an adv. suffix)
Word origin for Before
Old English beforan ; related to Old Frisian befara , Old High German bifora
Synonyms for Before
ahead, back, previously, since, sooner, afore, aforetime, ante, antecedently, anteriorly, before present, ere, fore, former, formerly, forward, gone, gone by, heretofore, in advance, in days of yore, in front, in old days, in the past, past, precendently, previous, up to now