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Showing words for BEGIN using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Begin

begin, being, binge

4 Letter Words for Begin

bein, beng, beni, bien, bine, bing, gein, gibe, gien, inbe

3 Letter Words for Begin

beg, ben, big, bin, ebn, eng, geb, gen, gib, gie, gin, ign, ing, nbe, nbg, neb, neg, nei, nib, nie, nig

Definitions for Begin

[1] to proceed to perform the first or earliest part of some action; commence; start: The story begins with their marriage.
[2] to come into existence; arise; originate: The custom began during the Civil War.
[3] to proceed to perform the first or earliest part of (some action): Begin the job tomorrow.
[4] to originate; be the originator of: civic leaders who began the reform movement.
[5] to succeed to the slightest extent in (followed by an infinitive): The money won't even begin to cover expenses.
[6] Me·na·chem [muh -nah -kh uh  m] /məˈnɑ xəm/ , 1913–92, Israeli political leader, born in Poland: prime minister 1977–83; Nobel Peace Prize 1978.
[7] to start or cause to start (something or to do something)
[8] to bring or come into being for the first time; arise or originate
[9] to start to say or speak
[10] (used with a negative) to have the least capacity (to do something) he couldn't begin to compete with her
[11] to begin with in the first place
[12] Menachem (məˈnɑːkɪm). 1913–92, Israeli statesman, born in Poland. In Palestine after 1942, he became a leader of the militant Zionists; prime minister of Israel (1977–83); Nobel peace prize jointly with Sadat 1978. In 1979 he concluded the Camp David treaty with Anwar Sadat of Egypt

Words related to Begin

do, inaugurate, prepare, lead, launch, establish, make, introduce, initiate, produce, undertake, found, create, open, commence, emerge, set, appear, rise, start

Words nearby Begin

beggarweed, beggary, begging bowl, begging letter, beghard, begin, begin to see daylight, begin to see the light, begin with, beginner, beginner's luck

Origin of Begin

before 1000; Middle English beginnen, Old English beginnan, equivalent to be- be- + -ginnan to begin, perhaps orig. to open, akin to yawn

Word origin for Begin

Old English beginnan ; related to Old High German biginnan , Gothic duginnan

Synonyms for Begin

commence, create, do, establish, found, go ahead, go into, inaugurate, initiate, introduce, launch, lead, make, open, prepare, produce, set up, undertake, activate, actualize, cause, drive, effect, eventuate, generate, impel, induce, instigate, institute, motivate, mount, occasion, originate, trigger, break ground, break the ice, bring about, bring to pass, embark on, enter on, enter upon, get going, give birth to, give impulse, lay foundation for, make active, plunge into, set about, set in motion