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Showing words for BELFAST using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Belfast


6 Letter Words for Belfast

ablest, ablets, bastle, belast, blaest, bleats, fables, festal, stable, tables

5 Letter Words for Belfast

abets, ables, ablet, alefs, aleft, alfet, astel, bafts, bales, basel, basle, baste, batel, bates, beast, beats, belat, belts, besat, betas, blaes, blase, blast, blate, blats, bleat, blets, esbat, estab, fabes, fable, false, fates, feals, feast, feats, felts, festa, fetal, fetas, flabs, flats, fleas, leafs, least, leats, lefts, sable, salet, sebat, setal, slate, stale, steal, stela, tabel, tabes, table, tales, teals, tesla

4 Letter Words for Belfast

abel, abet, able, abls, albe, albs, alef, ales, alts, atef, ates, atle, baft, bale, bals, base, bast, bate, bats, beal, beat, bela, bels, belt, besa, best, beta, bets, blae, blas, blat, blea, blet, east, eats, efts, elfs, elts, etas, fabs, fast, fate, fats, feal, feat, fels, felt, fest, feta, fets, flab, flat, flea, flet, labs, laet, laft, lase, last, late, lats, leaf, leas, leat, left, lest, lets, sabe, safe, saft, sale, salt, sate, seal, seat, self, selt, seta, slab, slat, stab, tabs, tael, tale, teal, teas, tefs, tela, tels

3 Letter Words for Belfast

abl, abs, abt, aes, afb, aft, alb, ale, alf, als, alt, asb, ase, asl, ast, ate, bae, bal, bas, bat, bef, bel, bes, bet, bls, blt, bsf, btl, eas, eat, ebs, efl, efs, eft, ela, elb, elf, els, elt, est, eta, fab, fas, fat, feb, fes, fet, flb, flt, fsb, lab, las, lat, lbf, lbs, lea, les, let, lst, sab, sal, sat, sbe, sea, sel, set, sla, sle, slt, sta, tab, tal, tas, tbs, tea, tef, tel, tes

Definitions for Belfast

[1] a seaport in and capital of Northern Ireland, on the E coast.
[2] a political division of the United Kingdom, in the NE part of the island of Ireland. 5238 sq. mi. (13,565 sq. km). Capital : Belfast.
[3] the capital of Northern Ireland, a port on Belfast Lough in Belfast district, Co Antrim and Co Down: became the centre of Irish Protestantism and of the linen industry in the 17th century; seat of the Northern Ireland assembly and executive. Pop: 276 459 (2001)
[4] a district of W Northern Ireland, in Co Antrim and Co Down. Pop: 271 596 (2003 est). Area: 115 sq km (44 sq miles)
[5] that part of the United Kingdom occupying the NE part of Ireland: separated from the rest of Ireland, which became independent in law in 1920; remained part of the United Kingdom, with a separate Parliament (Stormont), inaugurated in 1921, and limited self-government; scene of severe conflict between Catholics and Protestants, including terrorist bombing from 1969; direct administration from Westminster from 1972; assembly and powersharing executive established in 1998–99 following the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, suspended in 2002, and reinstated 2007. Capital: Belfast. Pop: 1 702 628 (2003 est). Area: 14 121 sq km (5452 sq miles)