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Showing words for BELFRY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Belfry
5 Letter Words for Belfry
4 Letter Words for Belfry
3 Letter Words for Belfry
Definitions for Belfry
[1] a bell tower, either attached to a church or other building or standing apart.
[2] the part of a steeple or other structure in which a bell is hung.
[3] a frame of timberwork that holds or encloses a bell.
[4] Slang . head; mind: a belfry full of curious notions.
[5] have bats in one's belfry . bat2(def 3) .
[6] the part of a tower or steeple in which bells are hung
[7] a tower or steeple Compare campanile
[8] the timber framework inside a tower or steeple on which bells are hung
[9] (formerly) a movable tower for attacking fortifications
Words related to Belfry
head, turret, spire, dome, cupola, steeple, carillon, campanile, minaret
Words nearby Belfry
belection, belemnite, belemnoid, belfast, belfort, belfry, belg., belga, belgae, belgaum, belgian
Origin of Belfry
1225–75; Middle English belfray, apparently blend of earlier berfray (< Middle French < Germanic ) and Medieval Latin belfredus, dissimilated variant of berefredus < Germanic; compare Middle High German ber(c ) frit, equivalent to berc defense, protection, refuge (cognate with Old English gebeorg; see harbor) + frit peace, (place of) safety (cognate with Old English frith )
Word origin for Belfry
C13: from Old French berfrei , of Germanic origin; compare Middle High German bercfrit fortified tower, Medieval Latin berfredus tower
Synonyms for Belfry
campanile, carillon, cupola, dome, head, minaret, spire, steeple, turret, bell tower, clocher