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Showing words for BELIE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Belie
4 Letter Words for Belie
3 Letter Words for Belie
Definitions for Belie
[1] to show to be false; contradict: His trembling hands belied his calm voice.
[2] to misrepresent: The newspaper belied the facts.
[3] to act unworthily according to the standards of (a tradition, one's ancestry, one's faith, etc.).
[4] Archaic . to lie about; slander.
[5] to show to be untrue; contradict
[6] to misrepresent; disguise the nature of the report belied the real extent of the damage
[7] to fail to justify; disappoint
Words related to Belie
negate, contradict, repudiate, mislead, misstate, distort, contravene, deny, disagree, negative, explode, controvert, oppose, confute, gainsay, pervert, hide, disguise, color, warp
Words nearby Belie
belgorod-dnestrovsky, belgrade, belgrano, belgravia, belial, belie, belief, believe, believe it or not, believe one's ears, believing
Origin of Belie
before 1000; Middle English belyen, Old English belēogan. See be-, lie1
Other words from Belie
be·li·er , noun
un·be·lied , adjective
Word origin for Belie
Old English belēogan ; related to Old Frisian biliuga , Old High German biliugan ; see be- , lie 1
Synonyms for Belie
contradict, negate, repudiate, confute, contravene, controvert, deny, disagree, explode, gainsay, negative, oppose, disaffirm