10 Letter Words for Bequeathal
9 Letter Words for Bequeathal
8 Letter Words for Bequeathal
bequeath, hateable, heatable
7 Letter Words for Bequeathal
ahuatle, bauleah, eatable, equable, habutae, hatable, tableau
6 Letter Words for Bequeathal
ablate, ablaut, ablute, alahee, althea, aquate, aulete, balate, balete, bateau, batule, baulea, beatae, behale, belate, belute, bethel, betula, beulah, blethe, blueth, eluate, equate, lathee, quelea, quethe, tabula, tabule, taleae
5 Letter Words for Bequeathal
abate, abaue, abele, ablet, alate, albee, aleut, alhet, aluta, athel, atlee, atule, aulae, bahut, balat, balau, balut, batea, batel, bathe, bauta, beala, beata, beath, beaut, beeth, belah, belat, belue, betel, bhalu, blate, bleat, bluet, butea, butle, eathe, elate, elute, equal, ethal, ethel, habet, hable, halte, hatel, hault, haute, latah, lathe, leath, lehua, lethe, lutea, quale, quata, quate, queal, queet, quelt, tabel, tabla, table, tahua, talaq, talea, taqua, taube, taula, thala, thebe, thule, tubae, tubal
4 Letter Words for Bequeathal
abel, abet, able, abut, ahab, alae, alba, albe, alee, aqua, atle, atua, aube, aula, aute, auth, baal, baht, bale, balu, bata, bate, bath, baul, beal, beat, beau, beet, bela, belt, beta, bete, beth, bhat, bhel, bhut, blae, blah, blat, blea, blee, blet, bleu, blue, bual, buat, buhl, bult, bute, eale, eath, eheu, elbe, ethe, etua, haab, habu, hala, hale, halt, hate, haul, haut, heal, heat, hebe, heel, hela, hele, hete, htel, hula, hule, laet, lahu, lata, late, lath, leat, leet, lete, luba, lube, lute, quab, qual, quat, quet, taal, tael, taha, tala, tale, teal, teel, tela, tele, thae, thea, theb, thee, tuba, tube, tula, tule, ulta, utah
3 Letter Words for Bequeathal
aah, aal, aba, abl, abt, abu, aha, ahu, ala, alb, ale, alt, ate, auh, aul, baa, bae, bah, bal, bat, bee, bel, bet, blt, btl, btu, bul, but, eat, eau, eel, ela, elb, elt, eta, eth, hab, hae, hat, hau, hee, hel, het, hub, hue, hut, laa, lab, lah, lat, lea, lee, let, leu, lhb, lub, lue, lut, qat, qua, que, taa, tab, tal, tau, tea, tee, tel, tha, thb, the, tua, tub, tue, ula, ule, ult, uta, ute
Definitions for Bequeathal
[1] to dispose of (personal property, especially money) by last will: She bequeathed her half of the company to her niece.
[2] to hand down; pass on.
[3] Obsolete . to commit; entrust.
[4] law to dispose of (property, esp personal property) by will Compare devise (def. 2)
[5] to hand down; pass on, as to following generations
Words related to Bequeathal
bequeathendowment, inheritance, settlement, legacy, estate, gift, devise, dower, bestowal, heritage, trust, devisal, ancestry, bequeathment
Words nearby Bequeathal
bequeathbenét, beograd, beothuk, beowulf, bepaint, bequeath, bequest, ber. is., berachah, berakah, berakhah
Origin of Bequeathal
before 1000; Middle English bequethen, Old English becwethan (be- be- + cwethan to say (see quoth), cognate with Old High German quedan, Gothic qithan )
Other words from Bequeathal
be·queath·a·ble , adjective
be·queath·al , be·queath·ment , noun
be·queath·er , noun
un·be·queath·a·ble , adjective
un·be·queathed , adjective
Word origin for Bequeathal
Old English becwethan ; related to Old Norse kvetha to speak, Gothic qithan , Old High German quethan
Synonyms for Bequeathal
endowment, inheritance, bestowal, devisal, devise, dower, estate, gift, heritage, legacy, settlement, trust, bequeathment