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Showing words for BETROTHING using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Betrothing
9 Letter Words for Betrothing
bothering, hottering
8 Letter Words for Betrothing
behoting, berthing, brighten, brighton, bringeth, grothine, grothite, neighbor, ottering, ottinger, throeing, trothing
7 Letter Words for Betrothing
benight, benorth, bethorn, betight, betroth, betting, bettong, bighorn, bittern, bornite, bottier, bottine, botting, britten, broigne, enright, ergotin, genitor, gittern, gothite, griotte, gritten, hortite, hotting, negrito, nighter, ogtiern, orthite, retting, righten, robinet, rotting, tentigo, thorite, tighten, tighter, tigrone, tonight, trigone, tritone
6 Letter Words for Betrothing
behint, behorn, bering, berith, bertin, beting, betorn, bettor, bientt, binger, biogen, birthe, bitnet, bitore, bitten, bitter, bittor, boeing, bogier, bonier, borghi, borine, boring, borith, bother, bothie, botnet, brehon, breton, bright, briton, brothe, egriot, engirt, enhort, eringo, ethion, ethnog, ethrog, geront, ghetti, ghetto, gitter, goiter, gorbet, gorbit, gorhen, gotten, greith, groten, gthite, henbit, heriot, heroin, heting, hieron, hinger, hinter, hitter, hoeing, hoenir, hogtie, hornet, hotter, hottie, ignore, ignote, intort, nigher, nither, nitter, norite, nother, obiter, obrien, obtent, orbing, orbite, orient, ornith, region, retint, righto, robing, roting, rotten, tentor, tertio, terton, theirn, thetin, thibet, thring, throne, throng, tibert, tiento, tinger, tinter, tither, tobine, toeing, tonger, tonier, tonite, torten, tortie, tother, toting, trigon, triton
5 Letter Words for Betrothing
begin, begot, being, bento, bergh, berth, beton, bight, bigot, binge, bingo, biont, birne, birth, biter, bitte, boget, bogie, boing, boite, boner, bonie, borgh, borne, botte, brent, breth, brett, brine, bring, brite, brith, britt, brogh, broth, brott, ehing, eight, enrib, eoith, ergon, ergot, ering, etrog, ettin, genio, genit, genro, gerbo, ghbor, giber, giher, giron, girth, gobet, goier, goner, goter, grein, greit, grint, griot, grith, groin, grone, gront, grote, heron, hinge, hiren, hogen, hoing, honer, hongi, hotei, hoten, inert, inger, ingot, inorb, inorg, inter, intro, iortn, irone, ither, negro, neigh, niger, night, niobe, niter, nitro, noire, noreg, norge, norie, norit, north, noter, ohing, orbit, ortet, other, otter, rebit, regin, reign, renig, retin, rhein, rhine, rhino, rhone, right, ringe, rithe, robin, ronte, rotge, rotte, tenio, tenor, tenth, tetri, thegn, thein, their, theor, thine, thing, thirt, thone, thong, thore, thorn, thort, throb, throe, tiber, tibet, tiger, tight, tigon, tinge, titer, tithe, toher, toner, toret, torte, toter, tribe, trigo, trine, trite, trone, troth
4 Letter Words for Betrothing
bego, behn, bein, beng, beni, beno, bent, berg, bern, beth, bien, bier, bine, bing, binh, bino, bint, biog, bion, birn, biro, birt, bite, bito, bitt, boer, bone, bong, bore, borg, borh, bori, born, bort, bote, both, boti, bott, brei, bret, brie, brig, brin, brio, brit, brog, brot, ebon, ebro, eigh, engr, ento, entr, ergo, erin, erth, eton, gein, geir, geit, gent, gerb, gibe, gien, gire, girn, giro, girt, gite, gith, gobi, goen, goer, gone, gorb, gore, gote, goth, gren, gret, grin, grit, grot, heir, heng, hent, herb, hern, hero, hert, hine, hing, hint, hire, hiro, hoer, hoin, hoit, hone, hong, hont, hore, horn, hort, hote, hoti, inbe, ingo, inro, into, intr, iron, iter, nebo, neth, neti, nigh, niog, nito, noir, nore, nori, note, nott, obit, ogre, oint, oner, orig, orth, rego, regt, rein, reit, reno, rent, rgen, rheo, rhet, ribe, rine, ring, riot, rite, ritt, robe, roin, roit, rone, rong, ront, rote, roti, tehr, teng, tent, tern, teth, theb, then, thig, thin, thio, thir, thob, thon, thor, thro, tien, tier, tige, tine, ting, tint, tire, tite, tobe, toge, togt, toit, tone, tong, tore, tori, torn, tort, tote, tret, trib, trie, trig, trin, trio, trit, trog, tron, trot
3 Letter Words for Betrothing
beg, ben, ber, bet, big, bin, bio, bit, boe, bog, boh, bon, bor, bot, bro, ebn, ego, eir, eng, eon, erg, ern, ert, eth, geb, gen, geo, ger, get, gib, gie, gin, gio, git, gob, goi, gon, gor, got, gro, gte, gtt, hei, hen, heo, her, het, hgt, hie, hin, hir, hit, hob, hoe, hog, hoi, hon, hor, hot, ign, ing, int, ion, ire, nbe, nbg, neb, neg, nei, neo, net, nib, nie, nig, nit, nob, nog, noh, nor, not, nth, obe, obi, oer, oie, one, oni, ont, orb, ore, org, ort, rbi, reb, reg, reh, rei, rhb, rhe, rho, rib, rie, rig, rin, rio, rit, rob, roe, rog, roi, ron, rot, rte, rti, teg, ten, ter, tet, tgn, tgt, thb, the, tho, tib, tie, tig, tin, tit, tng, tnt, tob, toe, tog, toi, ton, tor, tot, tri, trt
Definitions for Betrothing
[1] to arrange for the marriage of; affiance (usually used in passive constructions): The couple was betrothed with the approval of both families.
[2] Archaic . to promise to marry.
[3] (tr) archaic to promise to marry or to give in marriage
Words related to Betrothing
betrothengage, bind, contract, vow, promise, espouse, commit, affiance
Words nearby Betrothing
betrothbetjeman, betoken, betony, betook, betray, betroth, betrothal, betrothed, betsiamites, betsiboka, betsy
Origin of Betrothing
1275–1325; Middle English betrouthe, variant of betreuthe (be- be- + treuthe truth; see troth)
Word origin for Betrothing
C14 betreuthen , from be- + treuthe troth , truth
Synonyms for Betrothing
affiance, bind, commit, contract, engage, espouse, promise, vow, become engaged, give one's hand, make compact, plight faith, plight troth, tie oneself to