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Showing words for BICKERING using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Bickering
8 Letter Words for Bickering
7 Letter Words for Bickering
6 Letter Words for Bickering
5 Letter Words for Bickering
4 Letter Words for Bickering
3 Letter Words for Bickering
Definitions for Bickering
[1] to engage in petulant or peevish argument; wrangle: The two were always bickering.
[2] to run rapidly; move quickly; rush; hurry: a stream bickering down the valley.
[3] to flicker; glitter: The sun bickered through the trees.
[4] an angry, petty dispute or quarrel; contention.
[5] to argue over petty matters; squabble
[6] poetic (esp of a stream) to run quickly to flicker; glitter
[7] a petty squabble
Words related to Bickering
bickersquabble, disagree, wrangle, quibble, spar, quarrel, cavil, tiff, scrap, dig, scrape, fight, caterwaul, hassle, brawl, row, spat, dispute, altercate
Words nearby Bickering
bickerbichromate process, bichrome, bicipital, bicipital rib, bick-iron, bicker, bickie, biclonality, bicoastal, bicol, bicollateral
Origin of Bickering
11250–1300; Middle English bikeren < ?
Other words from Bickering
bick·er·er , noun
un·bick·ered , adjective
un·bick·er·ing , adjective
Word origin for Bickering
C13: of unknown origin
Synonyms for Bickering
disagree, quarrel, quibble, spar, squabble, wrangle, altercate, brawl, caterwaul, cavil, dig, dispute, fight, hassle, row, scrap, scrape, spat, tiff, cause a scene, fall out, pick at, trade zingers