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Showing words for BIOGRAPHER using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Biographer
8 Letter Words for Biographer
begorrah, berigora, biograph, progeria
7 Letter Words for Biographer
argiope, begorah, begorra, grapier, hagrope, harpier, hoarier, regraph
6 Letter Words for Biographer
abeigh, abiegh, agrope, arrope, barger, bargir, barhop, barrie, barrio, begari, bogier, borage, borghi, brager, brairo, ephori, gharri, gherao, giarre, gibaro, gopher, gorier, griper, griphe, groper, harbor, harier, harper, hegari, hegira, herbar, hirage, hoagie, oarier, ogaire, orbier, pairer, peroba, phobia, phoria, porger, porgie, porier, prober, rapier, regrab, regrip, rehair, repair, roarie, ropier
5 Letter Words for Biographer
aberr, abhor, abore, aegir, aiger, airer, arber, arbor, aroph, arrie, bagie, bagio, bagre, bahoe, barer, barge, bargh, barie, barih, baroi, barre, begar, behap, beira, bergh, berri, bigae, bigha, bihar, bogie, bohea, borer, borgh, brage, bragi, brier, brogh, ephoi, ephor, erbia, gaper, garbe, garbo, gareh, garre, geira, gerah, gerbo, gerip, ghbor, giber, giher, girba, goier, gorer, gorra, graip, grape, graph, gripe, griph, grope, haire, haori, harbi, harre, hepar, herba, hiera, higra, hiper, hirer, hoper, igapo, irreg, obeah, ohare, opera, ophir, orage, orgia, pabir, pager, pagri, paire, pareo, parer, parge, pargo, perai, phage, phare, pharo, pirog, poire, porer, porge, poria, prier, prior, probe, prore, rager, raper, raphe, rebag, rebar, rebop, regar, regia, rehab, reorg, repro, rerig, rerob, rigor, riper, rober, roger, roper, rorie
4 Letter Words for Biographer
abir, abor, abri, aero, ager, agio, aire, aper, apio, areg, argh, argo, arri, bagh, bago, baho, bare, bari, barp, barr, bear, bego, berg, bier, biga, biog, biro, birr, boar, boer, boga, bora, bore, borg, borh, bori, brae, brag, brei, brer, brie, brig, brio, brog, ebro, eigh, eira, epha, ergo, eria, gabi, gair, gape, gapo, garb, gare, gari, gear, geir, gerb, gibe, gire, giro, girr, goar, gobi, goer, gora, gorb, gore, gorp, grab, grip, hagi, hair, hare, haro, harp, harr, heap, hear, heir, hera, herb, hero, herp, herr, hipe, hire, hiro, hoar, hoer, hoga, hope, hopi, hora, hore, iago, iare, irpe, obia, ogre, ohia, opah, opai, orae, orig, orra, page, pahi, paho, pair, pare, pari, parr, peag, peai, pear, peba, pega, pegh, peho, perh, peri, phar, pier, pirr, poha, pore, porr, prag, prao, prie, prig, prio, proa, prob, prog, rabi, rage, ragi, raob, rape, rare, reap, rear, rego, regr, repo, repr, rhea, rheo, ribe, rier, riga, ripa, ripe, roar, robe, roer, rope
3 Letter Words for Biographer
abo, abp, abr, aer, age, ago, agr, ahi, aho, air, aob, aor, ape, aph, apr, arb, are, arg, arr, bae, bag, bah, bai, bap, bar, beg, ber, bhp, big, bio, boa, boe, bog, boh, bop, bor, bpi, bra, bro, brr, ear, ego, eir, epa, epi, era, erg, err, gab, gap, gar, geb, geo, ger, gib, gie, gio, goa, gob, goi, gop, gor, gph, gra, gro, grr, hab, hae, hag, hao, hap, hei, heo, hep, her, hia, hie, hip, hir, hoa, hob, hoe, hog, hoi, hop, hor, iao, iba, ihp, iph, ipo, ipr, ira, ire, oar, oba, obe, obi, oer, oie, opa, ope, ora, orb, ore, org, pah, par, pea, peg, peh, per, phi, pho, phr, pia, pie, pig, pir, poa, pob, poh, poi, por, pre, pro, rab, rag, rah, rai, rap, rbi, rea, reb, reg, reh, rei, rep, rha, rhb, rhe, rho, ria, rib, rie, rig, rio, rip, rob, roe, rog, roi
Definitions for Biographer
[1] a writer of someone's biography.
Words related to Biographer
producer, creator, writer, columnist, journalist, composer, poet, reporter, correspondent, author, critic, novelist, dramatist, editor, essayist, screenwriter, scholar, artist, philosopher, linguist
Words nearby Biographer
biogenic amine, biogeochemical cycle, biogeochemistry, biogeography, biographee, biographer, biographical, biographize, biography, biohazard, bioherm
Origin of Biographer
First recorded in 1705–15; biograph(y) + -er1
Synonyms for Biographer
columnist, composer, creator, journalist, poet, producer, reporter, writer, essayist, ghost, ghostwriter, originator, playwright, scribbler, scribe, wordsmith, ink slinger, prose writer, scripter, word slinger, work-for-hire