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Showing words for BIRTH using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Birth
4 Letter Words for Birth
3 Letter Words for Birth
Definitions for Birth
[1] an act or instance of being born: the day of his birth.
[2] the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring; childbirth; parturition: a difficult birth.
[3] lineage; extraction; descent: of Grecian birth.
[4] high or noble lineage: to be foolishly vain about one's birth.
[5] natural heritage: a musician by birth.
[6] any coming into existence; origin; beginning: the birth of Protestantism; the birth of an idea.
[7] Archaic . something that is born.
[8] to give birth to.
[9] to assist in giving birth; act as midwife for.
[10] give birth to , to bear (a child). to initiate; originate: Her hobby gave birth to a successful business.
[11] the process of bearing young; parturition; childbirth Related adjective: natal
[12] the act or fact of being born; nativity
[13] the coming into existence of something; origin
[14] ancestry; lineage of high birth
[15] noble ancestry a man of birth
[16] natural or inherited talent an artist by birth
[17] archaic the offspring or young born at a particular time or of a particular mother
[18] give birth to bear (offspring) to produce, originate, or create (an idea, plan, etc)
[19] to bear or bring forth (a child)
Words related to Birth
delivery, beginning, childbirth, creation, origin, emergence, dawn, opening, bearing, travail, childbearing, labor, birthing, nascency, producing, parturition, natality, nativity, outset, dawning
Words nearby Birth
birota, birr, birretta, birrus, birse, birth, birth canal, birth certificate, birth control, birth control pill, birth date
Origin of Birth
1150–1200; Middle English byrthe < Scandinavian; compare Old Swedish byrth; cognate with Old English gebyrd, Old High German giburt, Gothic gabaurths
Words that may be confused with Birth
Other words from Birth
mul·ti·birth , noun
Word origin for Birth
C12: from Old Norse byrth ; related to Gothic gabaurths , Old Swedish byrdh , Old High German berd child; see bear 1 , bairn
Synonyms for Birth
beginning, childbirth, creation, delivery, bearing, birthing, childbearing, labor, nascency, natality, nativity, parturition, producing, travail, act of God, blessed event, visit from stork