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Showing words for BISHOP using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Bishop
5 Letter Words for Bishop
4 Letter Words for Bishop
3 Letter Words for Bishop
Definitions for Bishop
[1] a person who supervises a number of local churches or a diocese, being in the Greek, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other churches a member of the highest order of the ministry.
[2] a spiritual supervisor, overseer, or the like.
[3] Chess . one of two pieces of the same color that may be moved any unobstructed distance diagonally, one on white squares and the other on black.
[4] a hot drink made of port wine, oranges, cloves, etc.
[5] Also called bishop bird . any of several colorful African weaverbirds of the genus Euplectes, often kept as pets.
[6] to appoint to the office of bishop.
[7] Elizabeth, 1911–79, U.S. poet.
[8] Hazel Gladys , 1906–1998, U.S. chemist and businesswoman.
[9] John Peale, 1892–1944, U.S. poet and essayist.
[10] Morris (Gilbert), 1893–1973, U.S. humorist, poet, and biographer.
[11] William Avery Billy , 1894–1956, Canadian aviator: helped to establish Canadian air force.
[12] (in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Greek Orthodox Churches) a clergyman having spiritual and administrative powers over a diocese or province of the Church See also suffragan Related adjective: episcopal
[13] (in some Protestant Churches) a spiritual overseer of a local church or a number of churches
[14] a chesspiece, capable of moving diagonally over any number of unoccupied squares of the same colour
[15] mulled wine, usually port, spiced with oranges, cloves, etc
[16] Elizabeth . 1911–79, US poet, who lived in Brazil. Her poetry reflects her travelling experience, esp in the tropics
Words related to Bishop
administrator, pontiff, pope, cleric, patriarch, director, priest, prelate, angel, metropolitan, primate, cap, coadjutor, overseer, diocesan, suffragan, archer, mitre, miter, berretta
Words nearby Bishop
bisexuality, bisferious pulse, bish, bishkek, bisho, bishop, bishop auckland, bishop sleeve, bishop violet, bishop's mitre, bishop's ring
Origin of Bishop
before 900; Middle English; Old English bisc(e)op < Vulgar Latin *ebiscopus, for Late Latin episcopus < Greek epískopos overseer, equivalent to epi- epi- + skopós watcher; see scope
Other words from Bishop
bish·op·less , adjective
bish·op·like , adjective
un·der·bish·op , noun
Word origin for Bishop
Old English biscop , from Late Latin epīscopus , from Greek episkopos , from epi- + skopos watcher
Synonyms for Bishop
administrator, cleric, director, patriarch, pontiff, pope, prelate, priest, angel, archer, berretta, cap, coadjutor, diocesan, metropolitan, miter, mitre, overseer, primate, suffragan, abba