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Showing words for BIZ using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Biz
Definitions for Biz
[1] business: How's the used car biz these days? Her brother's in show biz.
[2] informal short for business
[3] a business
Words related to Biz
art, business, career, undertaking, specialty, field, craft, pursuit, situation, role, employment, occupation, accomplishment, activity, work, trade, dodge, slot, berth, engagement
Words nearby Biz
bivvy, biwa, biweekly, biyearly, biysk, biz, bizarre, bizarrerie, bizerte, bizet, bizet, georges
Origin of Biz
An Americanism dating back to 1855–60; by shortening and respelling
Synonyms for Biz
art, business, career, craft, employment, field, line of work, occupation, pursuit, role, situation, specialty, undertaking, avocation, berth, billet, calling, concern, dodge, engagement, game, handicraft, lifework, line, office, position, post, service, slot, sphere, thing, trade, vocation, chosen work, métier, rat race, walk of life