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Showing words for BLOCKADE using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Blockade


7 Letter Words for Blockade

becloak, blacked, blocked, cloaked, codable, deblock

6 Letter Words for Blockade

ablock, albedo, alcedo, backed, balked, beclad, belock, boaked, bocked, cabled, calked, cloked, coaled, colead, dacelo, doable, lacked, locked

5 Letter Words for Blockade

abled, abode, acold, adobe, aloed, baked, baled, black, blade, blake, bleak, bleck, block, bloke, bocal, bodle, boked, boled, cable, caked, clade, clake, clead, cloak, cloke, coble, codal, coked, coled, decal, decko, dobla, dolce, kabel, kolea, laced, laked, lobed, locke

4 Letter Words for Blockade

abed, abel, able, aced, acle, aked, albe, alce, alco, alec, alod, aloe, back, bade, bake, bald, bale, balk, bdle, bead, beak, beal, beck, bela, beld, belk, blad, blae, blea, bled, bleo, bloc, blok, boak, boca, boce, bock, bode, boke, bola, bold, bole, bolk, cade, cake, calk, calo, clad, cled, clod, coak, coal, coda, code, coed, coke, cola, cold, cole, colk, dace, dale, dalk, dalo, deal, deck, decl, deco, doab, dobe, dobl, dock, doek, doke, dola, dole, ebcd, ecad, ecod, ecol, elod, kade, kale, kalo, kcal, keld, koae, koda, koel, kola, lace, lack, lade, lake, lead, leak, leck, leda, load, lobe, loca, lock, lode, loed, loka, loke, odal, odea, odel, olea

3 Letter Words for Blockade

abc, abd, abl, abo, ace, ack, adc, ade, ado, ake, ako, alb, alc, ald, ale, alk, alo, aob, bac, bad, bae, bal, bcd, bde, bdl, bec, bed, bel, bld, blk, blo, boa, boc, bod, boe, bok, bol, cab, cad, cal, cel, ceo, clk, clo, cob, cod, col, dab, dae, dak, dal, dao, dbl, dca, dcb, dea, deb, dec, del, dkl, dle, doa, dob, doc, doe, dol, ead, ecb, eco, edo, ela, elb, eld, elk, kab, kae, kal, kea, keb, ked, koa, kob, lab, lac, lad, lak, lao, lca, lcd, lea, led, lek, leo, loa, lob, loc, lod, loe, oad, oak, oba, obe, obl, oca, ock, oda, ode, oka, oke, ola, old, ole

Definitions for Blockade

[1] the isolating, closing off, or surrounding of a place, as a port, harbor, or city, by hostile ships or troops to prevent entrance or exit.
[2] any obstruction of passage or progress: We had difficulty in getting through the blockade of bodyguards.
[3] Pathology . interruption or inhibition of a normal physiological signal, as a nerve impulse or a heart muscle–contraction impulse.
[4] to subject to a blockade.
[5] military the interdiction of a nation's sea lines of communications, esp of an individual port by the use of sea power
[6] something that prevents access or progress
[7] med the inhibition of the effect of a hormone or a drug, a transport system, or the action of a nerve by a drug
[8] to impose a blockade on
[9] to obstruct the way to

Words related to Blockade

closure, restriction, stoppage, roadblock, barricade, siege, encirclement, clog, bar, wall, stop, snag, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, hindrance, infarct, infarction, embolus

Words nearby Blockade

block signal, block system, block tin, block trade, block vote, blockade, blockade-runner, blockage, blockboard, blockbust, blockbuster

Origin of Blockade

1670–80; block (in the sense “to create obstacles”) + -ade1

Other words from Blockade

block·ad·er , noun
coun·ter·block·ade , noun, verb, coun·ter·block·ad·ed, coun·ter·block·ad·ing.
non·block·ad·ed , adjective
pre·block·ade , noun, verb (used with object), pre·block·ad·ed, pre·block·ad·ing.
pro·block·ade , adjective
un·block·ad·ed , adjective

Word origin for Blockade

C17: from block + -ade , as in ambuscade

Synonyms for Blockade

barricade, closure, encirclement, restriction, roadblock, siege, stoppage, bar, clog, embolus, hindrance, impediment, infarct, infarction, obstacle, obstruction, snag, stop, wall, blank wall