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Showing words for BLOWTORCH using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Blowtorch


6 Letter Words for Blowtorch

blooth, blotch, blowth, brocho, brocht, brooch, chloro, clotho, cohort, coolth, thworl, wrocht

5 Letter Words for Blowtorch

bhoot, bohor, boort, booth, botch, broch, brool, broth, chlor, cholo, chort, cloot, cloth, cobol, cohob, cohol, cohow, colob, color, cooth, corol, crool, crowl, crwth, horol, looch, lotor, lowth, ochro, ortho, robot, rohob, rotch, rowth, thoro, thowl, throb, throw, torch, troch, troco, whoot, whorl, whort, worth, wroot, wroth

4 Letter Words for Blowtorch

bloc, blot, blow, boho, bolo, bolt, booh, bool, boor, boot, borh, boro, bort, both, boto, bowl, bowr, broo, brot, brow, chob, chol, chow, clot, clow, coho, colt, cool, coot, cort, coth, coto, cowl, croh, crow, ctrl, hobo, holt, holw, hool, hoot, hort, howl, lobo, loco, loob, loor, loot, loro, loto, lowt, obol, ocht, orch, orlo, orth, owlt, roch, rool, root, rotc, rotl, roto, rowt, tchr, thob, thoo, thor, thow, thro, toch, toco, toho, tool, torc, toro, trow, whoo, whot, wool, woot, wort

3 Letter Words for Blowtorch

bch, blo, blt, boc, boh, bol, boo, bor, bot, bow, brl, bro, btl, bwr, cho, clo, clr, cob, col, coo, cor, cot, cow, crl, cro, crt, cto, ctr, cwo, cwt, hcb, hcl, hob, hoc, hol, hoo, hor, hot, how, hwt, lbw, lhb, lob, loc, loo, lor, lot, low, ltr, obl, obo, och, oct, oho, ooh, oor, oot, orb, orc, orl, ort, otc, oto, owl, owt, rct, rhb, rho, rob, roc, roo, rot, row, rtw, tch, thb, tho, tlc, tlo, tlr, tob, toc, tol, too, tor, tow, two, who, whr, wob, woo, wot, wro

Definitions for Blowtorch

[1] a small portable apparatus that gives an extremely hot gasoline flame intensified by a blast, used especially in metalworking.
[2] to weld, burn, or ignite with or as with a blowtorch.
[3] a small burner that produces a very hot flame, used to remove old paint, melt soft metal, etc

Words related to Blowtorch

jet, Concorde, ramjet, turbojet

Words nearby Blowtorch

blown-up, blowoff, blowout, blowpipe, blowsy, blowtorch, blowtube, blowup, blowy, bls, bls.

Origin of Blowtorch

First recorded in 1905–10; blow2 + torch1

Synonyms for Blowtorch

Concorde, business jet, jet, jet liner, jumbo jet, multi-jet, pulse-jet, ramjet, single-jet, supersonic jet, supersonic transport, turbojet, twin-jet