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Showing words for BOHUNK using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Bohunk


4 Letter Words for Bohunk

bonk, bouk, boun, bukh, bunk, honk, hunk, knob, knub, kobu

3 Letter Words for Bohunk

boh, bok, bon, bun, hob, hon, hub, hun, khu, kob, kon, kou, nob, noh, nub, ouk, unb, unh

Definitions for Bohunk

[1] Extremely Disparaging and Offensive . a contemptuous term used to refer to an unskilled or semiskilled foreign-born laborer, especially from east central or southeastern Europe. Compare hunky2.
[2] a rough, stupid person.
[3] US and Canadian offensive , slang a labourer from east or central Europe

Words nearby Bohunk

bohr magneton, bohr radius, bohr theory, bohr, niels, bohrium, bohunk, boi, boiardo, boieldieu, boil, boil away

Origin of Bohunk

1900–05, Americanism ; Bo(hemian) + Hung(arian), with devoicing of the g

Word origin for Bohunk

C20: blend of Bo (hemian ) + Hung (arian ), with alteration of g to k