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Showing words for BONNE using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Bonne


4 Letter Words for Bonne

benn, beno, bone, bonn, ebon, nebn, nebo, neon, none

3 Letter Words for Bonne

ben, boe, bon, ebn, eon, nbe, neb, neo, nne, nob, non, obe, one

Definitions for Bonne

[1] a maid-servant.
[2] a child's nurse.
[3] at the right moment.
[4] well and good; just right; excellent.
[5] a housemaid or female servant

Words nearby Bonne

bonkbuster, bonkers, bonn, bonnard, bonnaz, bonne, bonne amie, bonne bouche, bonne femme, bonne foi, bonne nuit

Origin of Bonne

à la bonne heureliterally, at the good hour

Word origin for Bonne

C18: from feminine of bon good