11 Letter Words for Bootlegging
8 Letter Words for Bootlegging
biggonet, blogging, boggling, geobiont, googling, toboggin, toggling
7 Letter Words for Bootlegging
begging, begoing, belting, biltong, bogging, boloing, bolting, booting, bootleg, botling, eobiont, getling, globing, gobelin, gobline, ignoble, inglobe, legging, lentigo, logeion, logging, looting, obelion, togging, tooling
6 Letter Words for Bootlegging
begilt, belion, belong, belton, beting, betoil, biggen, biglot, bingle, biogen, blooie, boeing, boggin, boggle, boglet, bogong, boleti, boltin, bonito, boogie, booing, bootle, botone, botong, egging, eggnog, egling, eloign, engilt, entoil, gelong, gentil, gentoo, giblet, gigget, giggle, giglet, giglot, gigolo, gilten, gingle, globin, goblet, goblin, goggle, goglet, google, goolie, goonie, ignote, legion, legong, libget, liggen, linget, lingot, lionet, lobing, loeing, logget, loggie, loggin, logion, looing, loonie, looten, lootie, lotion, lotong, nigget, niggle, niggot, obento, oblige, oblong, obolet, ogling, olingo, oolite, tiglon, tingle, tobine, toeing, toggel, toggle, toling, toonie
5 Letter Words for Bootlegging
begin, begot, being, bento, beton, bigot, bilge, binge, bingo, biont, bling, blite, blote, boget, bogie, bogle, boing, boite, bolti, bongo, bonie, boole, boone, boong, boote, botel, elint, eloin, elong, enlit, enoil, genio, genit, getgo, gibel, gigge, gigot, gilet, gleit, glent, glint, globe, glogg, gobet, gobio, going, golet, igloo, ileon, ingle, ingot, inlet, intel, legin, legit, lenti, lento, ligge, ligne, linge, lingo, logie, login, logoi, logon, longe, looie, nilot, niobe, nobel, noble, obeli, obole, oboli, oggin, olein, olent, oobit, teloi, tenio, tigon, tinge, toile
4 Letter Words for Bootlegging
bego, bein, belt, beng, beni, beno, bent, bien, bigg, bile, bilo, bine, bing, bino, bint, biog, biol, bion, bite, bito, bleo, blet, blin, blit, blog, blot, bogo, boil, bole, bolo, bolt, bone, bong, bono, bool, boon, boot, bote, boti, boto, ebon, egol, engl, enol, ento, eton, gegg, gein, geit, genl, gent, geog, geol, gibe, gien, gile, gilo, gilt, ging, gite, gleg, glei, glen, glib, glit, glob, gobi, gobo, goel, goen, gogo, gole, goli, gone, gong, goog, gool, goon, gote, goto, ilot, inbe, ingo, intl, into, itel, leng, leno, lent, leon, leto, lien, lige, line, ling, lino, lint, lion, lite, lobe, lobi, lobo, loge, logo, loin, lone, long, loob, loon, loot, lote, loti, loto, nebo, neti, nile, niog, nito, noel, nogg, noil, nole, nolo, nolt, note, obit, obli, oboe, obol, ogle, oint, oleo, olio, onto, oont, otoe, tegg, teil, teli, teng, tien, tige, tile, tine, ting, tobe, toge, togo, toil, tole, tone, tong, tool, toon
3 Letter Words for Bootlegging
beg, bel, ben, bet, big, bin, bio, bit, blo, blt, boe, bog, bol, bon, boo, bot, btl, ebn, egg, ego, elb, eli, elt, eng, enl, eon, geb, gel, gen, geo, get, gib, gie, gig, gin, gio, git, glb, glt, gob, gog, goi, gol, gon, goo, got, gte, igg, ign, ile, ilo, ing, int, ion, leg, lei, leo, let, lib, lie, lig, lin, lit, lob, loe, log, loo, lot, nbe, nbg, neb, neg, nei, neo, net, nib, nie, nig, nil, nit, nob, nog, nol, noo, not, obe, obi, obl, obo, oie, oil, ole, one, oni, ono, ont, oon, oot, oto, teg, tel, ten, tgn, tib, tie, tig, til, tin, tln, tlo, tng, tob, toe, tog, toi, tol, ton, too
Definitions for Bootlegging
[1] alcoholic liquor unlawfully made, sold, or transported, without registration or payment of taxes.
[2] the part of a boot that covers the leg.
[3] something, as a recording, made, reproduced, or sold illegally or without authorization: a flurry of bootlegs to cash in on the rock star's death.
[4] to deal in (liquor or other goods) unlawfully.
[5] to make, transport, or sell something, especially liquor, illegally or without registration or payment of taxes.
[6] made, sold, or transported unlawfully.
[7] illegal or clandestine.
[8] of or relating to bootlegging.
[9] to make, carry, or sell (illicit goods, esp alcohol)
[10] something made or sold illicitly, such as alcohol during Prohibition in the US
[11] an illegally made copy of a CD, tape, etc
[12] produced, distributed, or sold illicitly bootleg whisky ; bootleg tapes
Words related to Bootlegging
bootleginfringement, plagiarism, theft, piracy, smuggling, trafficking, hide, export, rapine, stealing, swashbuckling, swag, goods, violation, crime, plunder, stuff, moonshine, dealing, poaching
Words nearby Bootlegging
bootlegbootjack, bootlace, bootlace fungus, bootlace worm, bootle, bootleg, bootleg play, bootlegged, bootless, bootlick, bootloader
Origin of Bootlegging
1625–35, Americanism ; boot1 + leg; secondary senses arose from practice of hiding a liquor bottle in the leg of one's boot
Other words from Bootlegging
boot·leg·ger , noun
Word origin for Bootlegging
C17: see boot 1 , leg ; from the practice of smugglers of carrying bottles of liquor concealed in their boots
Synonyms for Bootlegging
copying, hijacking, infringement, plagiarism, theft, buccaneering, rapine, stealing, swashbuckling, commandeering, freebooting, marauding, pirating