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Showing words for BOOTY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Booty
4 Letter Words for Booty
boot, boto, boyo, toby, toyo, yobo
3 Letter Words for Booty
boo, bot, boy, obo, oot, oto, tob, too, toy, yob, yot
Definitions for Booty
[1] spoil taken from an enemy in war; plunder; pillage.
[2] something that is seized by violence and robbery.
[3] any prize or gain.
[4] Slang . the buttocks.
[5] Slang : Vulgar . the vulva and vagina. sexual intercourse. women regarded as sex objects.
[6] any valuable article or articles, esp when obtained as plunder
[7] slang the buttocks
Words related to Booty
spoils, swag, goods, boodle, plunder, haul, gain, pickings
Words nearby Booty
boots and all, boots and saddles, bootstrap, bootstrap memory, boottopping, booty, booty call, bootylicious, booze, booze cruise, booze hag
Origin of Booty
21925–30; < obsolete Black English, perhaps alteration of body
Words that may be confused with Booty
Other words from Booty
boo·ty·less , adjective
Word origin for Booty
C20: from butt 1 buttocks
Synonyms for Booty
spoils, boodle, gain, goods, haul, pickings, plunder, swag, takings