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Showing words for BOTCHED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Botched
6 Letter Words for Botched
5 Letter Words for Botched
4 Letter Words for Botched
3 Letter Words for Botched
Definitions for Botched
[1] to spoil by poor work; bungle (often followed by up ): He botched up the job thoroughly.
[2] to do or say in a bungling manner.
[3] to mend or patch in a clumsy manner.
[4] a clumsy or poor piece of work; mess; bungle: He made a complete botch of his first attempt at baking.
[5] a clumsily added part or patch.
[6] a disorderly or confused combination; conglomeration.
[7] to spoil through clumsiness or ineptitude
[8] to repair badly or clumsily
[9] Also called: botch-up a badly done piece of work or repair (esp in the phrase make a botch of (something ))
Words related to Botched
botchbumble, err, miscalculate, flub, misjudge, mismanage, muff, fumble, mishandle, bungle, bobble, blow, mar, mess, wreck, ruin, boot, muddle, butcher, patch
Words nearby Botched
botchbotanize, botany, botany bay, botany wool, botargo, botch, botchy, bote, botel, botfly, both
Origin of Botched
11350–1400; Middle English bocchen to patch up; perhaps to be identified with bocchen to swell up, bulge (verbal derivative of bocche botch2), though sense development unclear
Other words from Botched
botch·ed·ly [boch -id-lee] /ˈbɒtʃ ɪd li/ , adverb
botch·er , noun
botch·er·y , noun
Word origin for Botched
C14: of unknown origin
Synonyms for Botched
bobble, bumble, bungle, err, flub, fumble, miscalculate, mishandle, misjudge, mismanage, muff, screw up, blow, boggle, bollix, boot, butcher, distort, flounder, mar, mend, mess, misapply, misconstrue, muddle, mutilate, patch, ruin, spoil, stumble, wreck, fall down, goof up, gum up, louse up, mess up, miscompute, misconjecture, muck up, pull a boner