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Showing words for BRABBLE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Brabble
babbler, blabber, brabble
6 Letter Words for Brabble
babble, barbel, barble, labber, rabble
5 Letter Words for Brabble
abler, babel, bable, baler, barbe, bebar, belar, blaer, blare, blear, breba, rebab
4 Letter Words for Brabble
abbe, abbr, abel, able, albe, arle, babe, bale, balr, barb, bare, beal, bear, bela, blab, blae, blea, bleb, brab, brae, earl, eral, laer, lare, lear, rale, real
3 Letter Words for Brabble
abb, abl, abr, aer, alb, ale, arb, are, bab, bae, bal, bar, bbl, bel, ber, bra, brl, ear, ebb, ela, elb, era, lab, lar, lea, ler, rab, rea, reb, rel, rle
Definitions for Brabble
[1] to argue stubbornly about trifles; wrangle.
[2] noisy, quarrelsome chatter.
[3] a rare word for squabble
Words nearby Brabble
braai, braaivleis, braata, brabant, brabançon, brabble, brabham, braccate, braccio, brace, brace and bit
Origin of Brabble
First recorded in 1490–1500, brabble is from the Dutch word brabbelen to quarrel, jabber
Other words from Brabble
brab·ble·ment , noun
brab·bler , noun
Word origin for Brabble
C16: from Middle Dutch brabbelen to jabber