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Showing words for BRAE using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Brae
bare, bear, brae
3 Letter Words for Brae
abr, aer, arb, are, bae, bar, ber, bra, ear, era, rab, rea, reb
Definitions for Brae
[1] a slope; declivity; hillside.
[2] a hill or hillside; slope
[3] (plural) an upland area the Gleniffer Braes
Words nearby Brae
bradysphygmia, bradystalsis, bradytelic, bradytocia, bradyuria, brae, braeburn, braeheid, braemar, braford, brag
Origin of Brae
1300–50; Middle English bra < Old Norse brā brow, cognate with Old English brēaw eyebrow, eyelid, Old High German brāwa (German Braue ); for semantic development, cf. brow
Word origin for Brae
C14 bra ; related to Old Norse brā eyelash, Old High German brāwa eyelid, eyebrow; compare brow