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Showing words for BRAINED using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Brained
[1] having a particular type of brain (used in combination): small-brained dinosaurs.
[2] Anatomy , Zoology . the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of humans and other vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mass of gray and white matter and serving to control and coordinate the mental and physical actions.
[3] Zoology . (in many invertebrates) a part of the nervous system more or less corresponding to the brain of vertebrates.
[4] Sometimes brains. (used with a plural verb ) understanding; intellectual power; intelligence.
[5] the brain as the center of thought, understanding, etc.; mind; intellect.
[6] brains, Slang . a member of a group who is regarded as its intellectual leader or planner: The junior partner is the brains of the firm.
[7] Informal . a very intelligent or brilliant person.
[8] Informal . the controlling or guiding mechanism in a computer, robot, pacemaker, etc. the part of a computer system for coordination or guidance, as of a missile.
[9] to smash the skull of.
[10] Slang . to hit or bang (someone) on the head.
[11] the soft convoluted mass of nervous tissue within the skull of vertebrates that is the controlling and coordinating centre of the nervous system and the seat of thought, memory, and emotion. It includes the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum Technical name: encephalon Related adjectives: cerebral, encephalic
[12] the main neural bundle or ganglion of certain invertebrates
[13] (often plural) informal intellectual ability he's got brains
[14] informal shrewdness or cunning
[15] informal an intellectual or intelligent person
[16] (usually plural; functioning as singular) informal a person who plans and organizes an undertaking or is in overall control of an organization, etc
[17] an electronic device, such as a computer, that performs apparently similar functions to the human brain
[18] on the brain constantly in mind I had that song on the brain
[19] pick someone's brain to obtain information or ideas from someone
[20] to smash the skull of
[21] slang to hit hard on the head
Words related to Brained
hit, harm, charge, raid, besiege, beat, assault, hurt, bombard, ambush, stab, storm, strike, assail, blast, invade, infiltrate, knock, bat, punch
Words nearby Brained
brainbox, braincase, brainchild, braindead, braine, brained, brainerd, brainfag, brainfart, brainfood, brainiac
Origin of Brained
before 1000; Middle English; Old English bræg(e)n, bregen; cognate with Low German brägen, Dutch brein
Other words from Brained
brain·like , adjective
su·per·brain , noun
Word origin for Brained
Old English brægen ; related to Old Frisian brein , Middle Low German bregen , Greek brekhmos forehead
Synonyms for Brained
ambush, assail, assault, beat, besiege, blast, bombard, charge, harm, hit, hurt, infiltrate, invade, raid, stab, storm, strike, advance, aggress, bash, bat, bean, beset, biff, blister, boot, bop, brain, bust, clip, clock, club, combat, cook, jump, kick, larrup, molest, mug, overwhelm, punch, rush, slog, soak, wallop, whop, boff, chop down, knock block off, knock cold, knock for a loop, lay siege to, light into, pounce upon, set upon, take the offensive, turn on