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Showing words for BRASH using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Brash
4 Letter Words for Brash
3 Letter Words for Brash
Definitions for Brash
[1] impertinent; impudent; tactless: a brash young man.
[2] hasty; rash; impetuous.
[3] energetic or highly spirited, especially in an irreverent way; zesty: a brash new musical.
[4] (used especially of wood) brittle.
[5] a pile or stack of loose fragments or debris, as of rocks or hedge clippings.
[6] brash ice.
[7] Pathology . heartburn(def 1) .
[8] Scot. and North England Dialect . a sudden shower or burst of rain. any sudden, minor sickness or indisposition, especially of the digestive tract. an assault; attack.
[9] tastelessly or offensively loud, showy, or bold
[10] hasty; rash
[11] impudent
[12] loose rubbish, such as broken rock, hedge clippings, etc; debris
[13] pathol another name for heartburn
Words related to Brash
impetuous, bold, rude, cocky, cheeky, reckless, audacious, cocksure, effervescent, flip, foolhardy, forward, hasty, headlong, heedless, hotheaded, ill-advised, impertinent, impolitic, impudent
Words nearby Brash
branwen, branzino, braque, bras d'or lake, brasco, brash, brash ice, brashy, brasier, brasil, brasilein
Origin of Brash
1400–50; (noun) late Middle English brass(c)he a slap, crash, perhaps blend of brok(e ) (Old English broc breach, fragment, sickness; akin to break) and dasch smashing blow; see dash1; (adj.) in sense “brittle,” derivative of noun; in sense “hasty” by confusion with rash1
Other words from Brash
brash·ly , adverb
brash·ness , noun
Word origin for Brash
C16: perhaps of imitative origin
Synonyms for Brash
bold, cheeky, cocky, impetuous, reckless, rude, audacious, brazenfaced, cocksure, effervescent, flip, foolhardy, forward, hasty, headlong, heedless, hotheaded, ill-advised, impertinent, impolitic, impudent, incautious, inconsiderate, indiscreet, insolent, madcap, maladroit, nervy, precipitate, presuming, presumptuous, pushing, rash, self-asserting, self-assertive, tactless, thoughtless, undiplomatic, untactful, uppity, vivacious