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Showing words for BREW using the English dictionary

4 Letter Words for Brew


3 Letter Words for Brew

ber, bwr, reb, rew, web, wer

Definitions for Brew

[1] to make (beer, ale, etc.) by steeping, boiling, and fermenting malt and hops.
[2] to make or prepare (a beverage, as tea) by mixing, steeping, soaking, or boiling a solid in water.
[3] to concoct, mix, or cook (a beverage or food, especially one containing unmeasured or unusual ingredients): She brewed a pot of soup from the leftovers.
[4] to contrive, plan, or bring about: to brew mischief.
[5] to make a fermented alcoholic malt beverage, as beer or ale.
[6] to boil, steep, soak, or cook: Wait until the tea brews.
[7] a quantity brewed in a single process.
[8] a particular brewing or variety of malt liquor.
[9] a hot beverage made by cooking a solid in water, especially tea or coffee.
[10] any concoction, especially a liquid produced by a mixture of unusual ingredients: a witches' brew.
[11] Informal . beer or ale. an individual serving of beer or ale: Let's have a few brews after the game.
[12] be brewing , to be forming or gathering; be in preparation: Trouble was brewing.
[13] to make (beer, ale, etc) from malt and other ingredients by steeping, boiling, and fermentation
[14] to prepare (a drink, such as tea) by boiling or infusing
[15] (tr) to devise or plan to brew a plot
[16] (intr) to be in the process of being brewed the tea was brewing in the pot
[17] (intr) to be impending or forming there's a storm brewing
[18] a beverage produced by brewing, esp tea or beer a strong brew
[19] an instance or time of brewing last year's brew
[20] a mixture an eclectic brew of mysticism and political discontent
[21] Northern English dialect a hill

Words related to Brew

mixture, mishmash, liquor, drink, distillation, beverage, blend, broth, melange, seethe, boil, loom, foment, hash, hodgepodge, compound, infusion, preparation, miscellany, potpourri

Words nearby Brew

breviloquent, brevipennate, brevirostrate, brevity, brevity is the soul of wit, brew, brew up, brewage, brewer's blackbird, brewer's grain, brewer's mole

Origin of Brew

before 900; Middle English brewen, Old English brēowan; akin to Dutch brouwen, German brauen, Old Norse brugga

Words that may be confused with Brew

brewed, brood, brews, bruise

Other words from Brew

brew·er , noun
mis·brew , verb (used with object)
re·brew , verb
un·brewed , adjective
un·der·brew , verb (used with object)
well-brewed , adjective

Word origin for Brew

Old English brēowan ; related to Old Norse brugga , Old Saxon breuwan , Old High German briuwan

Synonyms for Brew

beverage, blend, broth, distillation, drink, liquor, melange, mishmash, mixture, mélange, compound, fermentation, hash, hodgepodge, infusion, instillation, miscellany, potpourri, preparation