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Showing words for BRINE using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Brine
4 Letter Words for Brine
3 Letter Words for Brine
Definitions for Brine
[1] water saturated or strongly impregnated with salt.
[2] a salt and water solution for pickling.
[3] the sea or ocean.
[4] the water of the sea.
[5] Chemistry . any saline solution.
[6] to treat with or steep in brine.
[7] a strong solution of salt and water, used for salting and pickling meats, etc
[8] the sea or its water
[9] chem a concentrated solution of sodium chloride in water any solution of a salt in water a potassium chloride brine
[10] (tr) to soak in or treat with brine
Words related to Brine
vinegar, marinade, saline, blue, drink, deep, ocean, alkali, preservative
Words nearby Brine
brinded, brindisi, brindle, brindled, brindley, brine, brine shrimp, brinell hardness number, brinelling, bring, bring about
Origin of Brine
before 1000; Middle English; Old English brȳne; cognate with Dutch brijn
Other words from Brine
brine·less , adjective
brin·er , noun
brin·ish , adjective
brin·ish·ness , noun
un·brined , adjective
Word origin for Brine
Old English brīne ; related to Middle Dutch brīne , Old Slavonic bridŭ bitter, Sanskrit bibhrāya burnt
Synonyms for Brine
marinade, vinegar, alkali, blue, deep, drink, ocean, preservative, saline, brackish water, pickling solution, salt water, sea water, sodium chloride solution