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Showing words for BROOD using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Brood
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3 Letter Words for Brood
Definitions for Brood
[1] a number of young produced or hatched at one time; a family of offspring or young.
[2] a breed, species, group, or kind: The museum exhibited a brood of monumental sculptures.
[3] to sit upon (eggs) to hatch, as a bird; incubate.
[4] (of a bird) to warm, protect, or cover (young) with the wings or body.
[5] to think or worry persistently or moodily about; ponder: He brooded the problem.
[6] to sit upon eggs to be hatched, as a bird.
[7] to dwell on a subject or to meditate with morbid persistence (usually followed by over or on ).
[8] kept for breeding: a brood hen.
[9] brood above /over , to cover, loom, or seem to fill the atmosphere or scene: The haunted house on the hill brooded above the village.
[10] a number of young animals, esp birds, produced at one hatching
[11] all the offspring in one family: often used jokingly or contemptuously
[12] a group of a particular kind; breed
[13] (as modifier) kept for breeding a brood mare
[14] (of a bird) to sit on or hatch (eggs) (tr) to cover (young birds) protectively with the wings
[15] (when intr , often foll by on, over or upon ) to ponder morbidly or persistently
Words related to Brood
offspring, daydream, grieve, meditate, sulk, mope, ruminate, fret, progeny, family, clutch, breed, young, litter, seed, hatch, posterity, flock, issue, descendants
Words nearby Brood
bronzer, bronzing, bronzino, bronzite, brooch, brood, brood bitch, brood bud, brood parasite, brood parasitism, brood pouch
Origin of Brood
before 1000; Middle English; Old English brōd; cognate with Dutch broed, German Brut. See breed
Words that may be confused with Brood
Other words from Brood
brood·less , adjective
un·brood·ed , adjective
Word origin for Brood
Old English brōd ; related to Middle High German bruot , Dutch broed ; see breed
Synonyms for Brood
offspring, breed, chicks, clutch, descendants, family, flock, hatch, infants, issue, litter, posterity, progeny, scions, seed, young, begats, progeniture