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Showing words for BRUSHED using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Brushed

brushed, subherd

6 Letter Words for Brushed

bushed, busher, rebush, redubs, rushed, surbed

5 Letter Words for Brushed

bedur, brush, buhrs, burds, burse, bused, debus, drubs, druse, dures, erubs, herbs, herds, huers, hurds, rebud, rebus, redub, rubes, rudes, shedu, shred, shrub, shure, suber, sured, usher

4 Letter Words for Brushed

beds, bedu, bred, bude, buds, buhr, burd, bure, burh, burs, bush, debs, deus, drub, dubs, duer, dues, dush, edhs, ersh, erub, herb, herd, hers, hubs, hued, huer, hues, huse, rebs, reds, rehs, rhus, rube, rubs, rude, ruds, rued, rues, ruse, rush, serb, shed, sher, sude, sued, suer, surd, sure, urbs, urde, urds, ures, used, user

3 Letter Words for Brushed

bde, bds, bed, ber, bes, bhd, bsh, bud, bur, bus, deb, der, des, dhu, dsr, dub, due, duh, dur, ebs, edh, eds, ehs, erd, ers, esd, esr, esu, hed, her, hes, hrs, hub, hud, hue, reb, red, reh, res, rhb, rhd, rhe, rub, rud, rue, sbe, sed, ser, she, shr, sub, sud, sue, sur, uds, uhs, urb, urd, ure, urs, use, ush

Definitions for Brushed

[1] having a nap raised or a surface produced by a brushing process: brushed cotton.
[2] an implement consisting of bristles, hair, or the like, set in or attached to a handle, used for painting, cleaning, polishing, grooming, etc.
[3] one of a pair of devices consisting of long, thin handles with wire bristles attached, used in jazz or dance bands for keeping a soft, rhythmic beat on the trap drums or the cymbals.
[4] the bushy tail of an animal, especially of a fox.
[5] Electricity . a conductor, often made of carbon or copper or a combination of the two, serving to maintain electric contact between stationary and moving parts of a machine, generator, or other apparatus. brush discharge.
[6] a feathery or hairy tuft or tassel, as on the tip of a kernel of grain or on a man's hat.
[7] an act or instance of brushing; application of a brush.
[8] a light, stroking touch.
[9] a brief encounter: He has already had one brush with the law.
[10] a close approach, especially to something undesirable or harmful: a brush with disaster.
[11] to sweep, paint, clean, polish, etc., with a brush.
[12] to touch lightly in passing; pass lightly over: His lips brushed her ear.
[13] to remove by brushing or by lightly passing over: His hand brushed a speck of lint from his coat.
[14] to move or skim with a slight contact.
[15] brush aside , to disregard; ignore: Our complaints were simply brushed aside.
[16] brush off , to rebuff; send away: She had never been brushed off so rudely before.
[17] brush up on , to revive, review, or resume (studies, a skill, etc.): She's thinking of brushing up on her tennis. Also brush up.
[18] textiles treated with a brushing process to raise the nap and give a softer, warmer finish brushed nylon
[19] a device made of bristles, hairs, wires, etc, set into a firm back or handle: used to apply paint, clean or polish surfaces, groom the hair, etc
[20] the act or an instance of brushing
[21] a light stroke made in passing; graze
[22] a brief encounter or contact, esp an unfriendly one; skirmish
[23] the bushy tail of a fox, often kept as a trophy after a hunt, or of certain breeds of dog
[24] an electric conductor, esp one made of carbon, that conveys current between stationary and rotating parts of a generator, motor, etc
[25] a dark brush-shaped region observed when a biaxial crystal is viewed through a microscope, caused by interference between beams of polarized light
[26] (tr) to clean, polish, scrub, paint, etc, with a brush
[27] (tr) to apply or remove with a brush or brushing movement brush the crumbs off the table
[28] (tr) to touch lightly and briefly
[29] (intr) to move so as to graze or touch something lightly
[30] a thick growth of shrubs and small trees; scrub
[31] land covered with scrub
[32] broken or cut branches or twigs; brushwood
[33] wooded sparsely populated country; backwoods

Words related to Brushed

shave, flick, smooth, sweep, scrape, caress, skim, kiss, wash, wipe, clean, paint, tickle, graze, contact, stroke, glance, polish, whisk, buff

Words nearby Brushed

brush-off, brush-on, brush-tailed phalanger, brush-tailed possum, brushback, brushed, brushland, brushless, brushmark, brushpopper, brushup

Origin of Brushed

11350–1400; (noun) Middle English brusshe, probably to be identified with brush2, if orig. sense was implement made from twigs, etc., culled from brushwood; (v.) Middle English brushen to hasten, rush, probably < Old French brosser to travel (through brush), verbal derivative of broce (see brush2)

Other words from Brushed

un·brushed , adjective
well-brushed , adjective
brush·a·ble , adjective
brush·er , noun
brush·like , adjective
un·brush·a·ble , adjective

Word origin for Brushed

C16 (dense undergrowth), C14 (cuttings of trees): from Old French broce , from Vulgar Latin bruscia (unattested) brushwood

Synonyms for Brushed

caress, flick, kiss, scrape, shave, skim, smooth, sweep, contact, glance, graze, stroke, tickle