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Showing words for BUREAUCRACY using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Bureaucracy
7 Letter Words for Bureaucracy
6 Letter Words for Bureaucracy
5 Letter Words for Bureaucracy
4 Letter Words for Bureaucracy
3 Letter Words for Bureaucracy
Definitions for Bureaucracy
[1] government by many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials.
[2] the body of officials and administrators, especially of a government or government department.
[3] excessive multiplication of, and concentration of power in, administrative bureaus or administrators.
[4] administration characterized by excessive red tape and routine.
[5] a system of administration based upon organization into bureaus, division of labour, a hierarchy of authority, etc: designed to dispose of a large body of work in a routine manner
[6] government by such a system
[7] government or other officials collectively
[8] any administration in which action is impeded by unnecessary official procedures and red tape
Words related to Bureaucracy
management, ministry, administration, authority, government, directorate, officialdom, beadledom
Words nearby Bureaucracy
bureau of indian affairs, bureau of internal revenue, bureau of land management, bureau of mines, bureau of the census, bureaucracy, bureaucrat, bureaucratese, bureaucratic, bureaucratize, burelé
Origin of Bureaucracy
1810–20; bureau + -cracy, modeled on French bureaucratie
Synonyms for Bureaucracy
administration, authority, civil service, management, ministry, red tape, directorate, government, officialdom, officials, beadledom, city hall, powers that be, regulatory commission, the Establishment, the system