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Showing words for BURLESQUED using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Burlesqued
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7 Letter Words for Burlesqued
6 Letter Words for Burlesqued
5 Letter Words for Burlesqued
4 Letter Words for Burlesqued
3 Letter Words for Burlesqued
Definitions for Burlesqued
[1] an artistic composition, especially literary or dramatic, that, for the sake of laughter, vulgarizes lofty material or treats ordinary material with mock dignity.
[2] any ludicrous parody or grotesque caricature.
[3] Also bur·lesk . a humorous and provocative stage show featuring slapstick humor, comic skits, bawdy songs, striptease acts, and a scantily clad female chorus.
[4] involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn subject.
[5] of, relating to, or like stage-show burlesque.
[6] to make ridiculous by mocking representation.
[7] to use caricature.
[8] an artistic work, esp literary or dramatic, satirizing a subject by caricaturing it
[9] a ludicrous imitation or caricature
[10] a play of the 17th–19th centuries that parodied some contemporary dramatic fashion or event
[11] Also: burlesk US and Canadian theatre a bawdy comedy show of the late 19th and early 20th centuries: the striptease eventually became one of its chief elements Slang name: burleycue
[12] of, relating to, or characteristic of a burlesque
[13] to represent or imitate (a person or thing) in a ludicrous way; caricature
Words related to Burlesqued
burlesquespoof, travesty, farce, mocking, comic, mock, caricature, mockery, vaudeville, strip, satire, lampoon, takeoff, pastiche, parody, revue, ludicrous, satirical, ironical, caricatural
Words nearby Burlesqued
burlesqueburlap, burlecue, burled, burleigh, burleson, burlesque, burletta, burley, burleycue, burlingame, burlington
Origin of Burlesqued
1650–60; < French < Italian burlesco, equivalent to burl(a ) jest (perhaps < Spanish; cf. burladero) + -esco -esque
Words that may be confused with Burlesqued
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, burlesqueburlesque, caricature, cartoon, parody, satire, (see, synonym, study, at, the, current, entry)
Other words from Burlesqued
bur·lesque·ly , adverb
bur·lesqu·er , noun
pre·bur·lesque , adjective
un·bur·lesqued , adjective
Word origin for Burlesqued
C17: from French, from Italian burlesco , from burla a jest, piece of nonsense
Synonyms for Burlesqued
aped, caricatured, counterfeited, duplicated, mimicked, mocked, parodied, parroted, plagiarized, reproduced