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Showing words for BUTCHER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Butcher
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3 Letter Words for Butcher
Definitions for Butcher
[1] a retail or wholesale dealer in meat.
[2] a person who slaughters certain animals, or who dresses the flesh of animals, fish, or poultry, for food or market.
[3] a person guilty of brutal or indiscriminate slaughter or murder.
[4] a vendor who hawks newspapers, candy, beverages, etc., as on a train, at a stadium, etc.
[5] to slaughter or dress (animals, fish, or poultry) for market.
[6] to kill indiscriminately or brutally.
[7] to bungle; botch: to butcher a job.
[8] butch haircut.
[9] Slang . a lesbian, especially one notably masculine in manner or appearance.
[10] Slang . (of a girl or woman) having traits of personality, dress, behavior, or appearance usually associated with males. (of a male) decidedly or exaggeratedly masculine in manner or appearance.
[11] a retailer of meat
[12] a person who slaughters or dresses meat for market
[13] an indiscriminate or brutal murderer
[14] a person who destroys, ruins, or bungles something
[15] to slaughter or dress (animals) for meat
[16] to kill indiscriminately or brutally
[17] to make a mess of; botch; ruin
[18] (of a woman or man) markedly or aggressively masculine
[19] a lesbian who is noticeably masculine
[20] a strong rugged man
Words related to Butcher
slaughter, mutilate, slayer, boner, skinner, processor, cut, clean, liquidate, salt, joint, cure, stick, smoke, carve, dress, destroy, wreck, spoil, botch
Words nearby Butcher
butanol, butanone, butazolidin, butch, butch haircut, butcher, butcher block, butcher knife, butcher linen, butcher paper, butcher shop
Origin of Butcher
First recorded in 1940–45; apparently from the proper name
Other words from Butcher
butch·er·er , noun
un·butch·ered , adjective
Word origin for Butcher
C18: back formation from butcher
Synonyms for Butcher
boner, processor, skinner, slaughterer, slayer, meat person, meatmarket person