10 Letter Words for Buttonhole
8 Letter Words for Buttonhole
butthole, unbottle
7 Letter Words for Buttonhole
bothole, outbent, outblot, untooth
6 Letter Words for Buttonhole
behoot, belout, belton, blooth, blotto, blueth, bootle, botnet, botone, bottle, boutel, bouton, bulten, buttle, button, ethnol, hottle, houlet, hutlet, looten, lutten, nutlet, obento, obolet, obtent, outlet, outlot, tenuto, teuton, tonlet, tootle, tublet, tutelo, unbelt, unbolt, unboot
5 Letter Words for Buttonhole
bento, beton, bhoot, blote, blout, bluet, blunt, boole, boone, boote, booth, botel, botte, bottu, bouet, boule, boult, bouto, bueno, buteo, butle, butoh, butte, helot, hoboe, hotel, hoten, hoult, lenth, lento, lotte, lotto, lunet, luteo, nobel, noble, nobut, noule, obole, ohelo, ohone, olent, outen, tenth, theol, thole, thone, thule, tonto, tooth, unbet, uneth, unhot, unlet
4 Letter Words for Buttonhole
behn, belt, beno, bent, beth, bhel, bhut, bleo, blet, bleu, blot, blue, boho, bole, bolo, bolt, bone, bono, booh, bool, boon, boot, bote, both, boto, bott, boul, boun, bout, buhl, bult, bunt, bute, buto, butt, ebon, enol, ento, eton, helo, hent, hobo, hole, holt, hone, hont, hool, hoon, hoot, hote, hout, htel, hule, hunt, leno, lent, leon, leto, lett, lobe, lobo, lone, loob, loon, loot, lote, loto, loun, lout, lube, lune, lunt, lute, nebo, neth, neut, noel, nole, nolo, nolt, note, nott, noul, nout, oboe, obol, oleo, onto, oont, otoe, otto, telt, tent, teth, theb, then, thob, thon, thoo, thou, tobe, toho, tole, tolt, tolu, tone, tool, toon, toot, tote, toto, toun, tout, tube, tule, tune, tuno, tute, tuth, ulto, unbe, unto
3 Letter Words for Buttonhole
bel, ben, bet, blo, blt, boe, boh, bol, bon, boo, bot, btl, btu, bul, bun, but, ebn, elb, elt, enl, eon, eth, hel, hen, heo, het, hob, hoe, hol, hon, hoo, hot, hub, hue, hun, hut, leo, let, leu, lhb, lob, loe, loo, lot, lub, lue, luo, lut, nbe, neb, neo, net, nob, noh, nol, noo, not, nth, nub, nul, nut, obe, obl, obo, oho, ole, one, ono, ont, ooh, oon, oot, oto, out, tel, ten, tet, thb, the, tho, tln, tlo, tnt, tob, toe, tol, ton, too, tot, tou, tub, tue, tun, tut, ule, ult, unb, unh, unl, ute
Definitions for Buttonhole
[1] the hole, slit, or loop through which a button is passed and by which it is secured.
[2] Chiefly British . a boutonniere.
[3] Surgery . a short, straight incision through the wall of a cavity or a canal.
[4] to sew with a buttonhole stitch.
[5] to make buttonholes in.
[6] to hold by the buttonhole or otherwise abruptly detain (someone) in conversation: The reporter tried to buttonhole the mayor for a statement on the bus strike.
[7] a slit in a garment, etc, through which a button is passed to fasten two surfaces together
[8] a flower or small bunch of flowers worn pinned to the lapel or in the buttonhole, esp at weddings, formal dances, etc US name: boutonniere
[9] to detain (a person) in conversation
[10] to make buttonholes in
[11] to sew with buttonhole stitch
Words related to Buttonhole
pot, wreath, garland, vase, urge, sue, force, worry, demand, push, assail, squeeze, petition, harass, hound, plague, pester, beleaguer, confront, annoy
Words nearby Buttonhole
button-down, button-through, buttonball, buttonbush, buttoned-up, buttonhole, buttonhole someone, buttonhole stitch, buttonhook, buttonless, buttonmold
Origin of Buttonhole
First recorded in 1555–65; button + hole
Other words from Buttonhole
but·ton·hol·er , noun
Synonyms for Buttonhole
garland, pot, vase, wreath, boutonniere, corsage, festoon, lei, nosegay, posy, spray