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Showing words for BUZZED using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Buzzed
[1] a low, vibrating, humming sound, as of bees, machinery, or people talking.
[2] a rumor or report.
[3] Informal . a phone call: When I find out, I'll give you a buzz.
[4] Slang . a feeling of intense enthusiasm, excitement, or exhilaration: I got a terrific buzz from those Pacific sunsets. a feeling of slight intoxication.
[5] to make a low, vibrating, humming sound.
[6] to speak or murmur with such a sound.
[7] to be filled with the sound of buzzing or whispering: The room buzzed.
[8] to whisper; gossip: Everyone is buzzing about the scandal.
[9] to move busily from place to place.
[10] Slang . to go; leave (usually followed by off or along ): I'll buzz along now. Tell him to buzz off and leave me alone.
[11] to make a buzzing sound with: The fly buzzed its wings.
[12] to tell or spread (a rumor, gossip, etc.) secretively.
[13] to signal or summon with a buzzer: He buzzed his secretary.
[14] Informal . to make a phone call to.
[15] Aeronautics . to fly a plane very low over: to buzz a field. to signal or greet (someone) by flying a plane low and slowing the motor spasmodically.
[16] have /get a buzz on , Slang . to be slightly intoxicated: After a few beers they all had a buzz on.
[17] a rapidly vibrating humming sound, as that of a prolonged z or of a bee in flight
[18] a low sound, as of many voices in conversation
[19] a rumour; report; gossip
[20] informal a telephone call I'll give you a buzz
[21] slang a pleasant sensation, as from a drug such as cannabis a sense of excitement; kick
[22] (intr) to make a vibrating sound like that of a prolonged z
[23] (intr) to talk or gossip with an air of excitement or urgency the town buzzed with the news
[24] (tr) to utter or spread (a rumour)
[25] (intr often foll by about ) to move around quickly and busily; bustle
[26] (tr) to signal or summon with a buzzer
[27] (tr) informal to call by telephone
[28] (tr) informal to fly an aircraft very low over (an object) to buzz a ship to fly an aircraft very close to or across the path of (another aircraft), esp to warn or intimidate
[29] (tr) (esp of insects) to make a buzzing sound with (wings, etc)
Words related to Buzzed
buzzreverberate, hum, whisper, chatter, bumble, sibilate, drone, whiz, murmur, fizzle, ring, whir, fizz, bombinate, inform, tattle, call, rumor, natter
Words nearby Buzzed
buzzbuys-ballot's law, buyup, buzau, buzkashi, buzuki, buzz, buzz bomb, buzz in, buzz off, buzz phrase, buzz saw
Origin of Buzzed
11350–1400; Middle English busse; imitative
Other words from Buzzed
buzz·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Buzzed
C16: of imitative origin
Synonyms for Buzzed
hum, reverberate, whisper, bombinate, bumble, drone, fizz, fizzle, murmur, ring, sibilate, whir, whiz