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Showing words for CAMPAIGNING using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Campaigning
9 Letter Words for Campaigning
8 Letter Words for Campaigning
7 Letter Words for Campaigning
6 Letter Words for Campaigning
5 Letter Words for Campaigning
4 Letter Words for Campaigning
3 Letter Words for Campaigning
Definitions for Campaigning
[1] Military . military operations for a specific objective. Obsolete . the military operations of an army in the field for one season.
[2] a systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose: a sales campaign.
[3] the competition by rival political candidates and organizations for public office.
[4] to serve in or go on a campaign: He planned to campaign for the candidate. He campaigned in France.
[5] to race (a horse, boat, car, etc.) in a number or series of competitions.
[6] a series of coordinated activities, such as public speaking and demonstrating, designed to achieve a social, political, or commercial goal a presidential campaign ; an advertising campaign
[7] military a number of complementary operations aimed at achieving a single objective, usually constrained by time or geographic area
[8] (intr often foll by for ) to conduct, serve in, or go on a campaign
Words related to Campaigning
campaignstump, lobby, barnstorm, politick, run, contest, tour, agitate, crusade, canvass, electioneer, muckrake, whistle-stop
Words nearby Campaigning
campaigncamp site, camp springs, camp stove, camp-drafting, campagna, campaign, campaign button, campaign chest, campaign finance reform, campaign fund, campaign furniture
Origin of Campaigning
1620–30; < French campagne < Italian campagna < Late Latin campānia level district, equivalent to Latin camp(us ) field + -ān(us ) -an + -ia -ia
Other words from Campaigning
cam·paign·er , noun
coun·ter·cam·paign , noun
pre·cam·paign , noun, adjective
re·cam·paign , verb
un·cam·paign·ing , adjective
Word origin for Campaigning
C17: from French campagne open country, from Italian campagna, from Late Latin campānia, from Latin campus field
Synonyms for Campaigning
barnstorm, lobby, politick, stump, agitate, canvass, contest, crusade, electioneer, muckrake, run, tour, contend for, go to grass roots, hit the trail, mend fences, mudsling, press the flesh, ring doorbells, run for, shake hands and kiss babies, solicit votes, stand for, whistle-stop