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Showing words for CANDID using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Candid
5 Letter Words for Candid
4 Letter Words for Candid
3 Letter Words for Candid
Definitions for Candid
[1] frank; outspoken; open and sincere: a candid critic.
[2] free from reservation, disguise, or subterfuge; straightforward: a candid opinion.
[3] informal; unposed: a candid photo.
[4] honest; impartial: a candid mind.
[5] Archaic . white.
[6] Archaic . clear; pure.
[7] an unposed photograph.
[8] frank and outspoken he was candid about his dislike of our friends
[9] without partiality; unbiased
[10] unposed or informal a candid photograph
[11] obsolete white clear or pure
Words related to Candid
unequivocal, straightforward, impartial, truthful, sincere, outspoken, unbiased, blunt, forthright, aboveboard, bluff, equal, equitable, fair, frank, free, genuine, guileless, ingenuous, just
Words nearby Candid
candent, candescent, candia, candice, candicidin, candid, candid camera, candida, candidate, candidate species, candide
Origin of Candid
1620–30; (< French candide ) < Latin candidus shining white, equivalent to cand(ēre ) to be shining white (akin to incense1) + -idus -id4
Other words from Candid
can·did·ly , adverb
can·did·ness , noun
pseu·do·can·did , adjective
pseu·do·can·did·ly , adverb
qua·si-can·did , adjective
qua·si-can·did·ly , adverb
sub·can·did , adjective
sub·can·did·ly , adverb
sub·can·did·ness , noun
su·per·can·did , adjective
su·per·can·did·ly , adverb
su·per·can·did·ness , noun
un·can·did , adjective
un·can·did·ly , adverb
un·can·did·ness , noun
Word origin for Candid
C17: from Latin candidus white, from candēre to be white
Synonyms for Candid
blunt, forthright, impartial, outspoken, sincere, straightforward, truthful, unbiased, unequivocal, aboveboard, bluff, equal, equitable, fair, frank, free, frontal, genuine, guileless, ingenuous, just, objective, open, plain, right up front, scrupulous, talking turkey, telling it like it is, uncolored, unprejudiced, unpretended, up front, upright