12 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
10 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
dacyorrhea, earthboard
9 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
achordate, aeroyacht, broadacre, catarrhed, octahedra, tracheary
8 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
abhorred, acaryote, aerodart, boathead, boatrace, boatyard, borracha, botchery, broached, broacher, carboyed, cartroad, catberry, cathedra, chordata, chordate, cyberart, harbored, hardcore, hortyard, hydrator, rebroach, redactor, rheocrat, taberdar, tarboard, teaboard, torchare
7 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
abactor, aborted, aborter, abrader, abrayed, abreact, abroach, acatery, acetary, acrobat, acroter, aerator, aerobat, aerocar, aratory, arborea, arbored, arboret, archery, arrayed, atrocha, barrace, batarde, batched, batcher, bayhead, bearcat, boarder, borated, botched, botcher, bracero, bracery, brachet, bractea, bracted, brayera, breachy, breadth, breathy, broader, brocade, brocard, broched, brother, cabaret, cadbote, carbora, carreta, carroty, carryed, caryota, catarrh, cathead, cathode, charade, charred, chartae, charted, charter, chayote, cheatry, chobdar, chordae, cobhead, cordate, corrade, creator, cyathea, cythera, daycare, deborah, decator, dochter, drybeat, hadbote, haybote, haycart, herbary, herdboy, hoarder, hordary, hydrate, orchard, radyera, ratched, ratcher, reactor, reboard, rechart, rectory, redcoat, roached, tabored, taborer, taryard, thready, toadery, torched, torcher, torreya, tracery, trachea, trochar, troched, yachted, yachter
6 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
abacot, abated, abater, abator, aboard, abodah, aborad, abrade, abroad, acater, acerra, achate, acheat, acheta, achter, acorea, actory, adhort, adorer, arache, arbory, arbota, arcade, arcady, arcate, arcato, arched, archer, areach, aready, arrace, arrach, arrect, arroba, arrode, arroya, artabe, artery, arthra, athrob, atocha, atroce, bached, bahera, barato, barche, bareca, barrad, barrat, barred, barret, barter, baryta, baryte, bathed, bather, bayard, bayeta, bayted, beachy, beardy, becard, bertha, betcha, betray, betrod, bharat, boardy, boated, boater, bocher, bodach, borate, bordar, border, boread, botchy, bother, boyard, bracae, braced, bracer, brache, brayed, brayer, breach, bready, breath, brecht, broach, brocha, broche, brocht, brothe, brothy, byroad, cabaho, cabret, carate, carboy, carbro, carder, caroba, carrat, carrot, carted, carter, catery, cathar, cathay, cathro, cedary, cedrat, cerata, chaber, chabot, chadar, chador, chaeta, chared, charer, charet, charro, charry, charta, chedar, cherry, cherty, choate, choaty, chorda, chorea, chored, chytra, coated, coater, cobaea, cohead, cohert, corbed, corbet, corder, cotery, craber, crated, crater, crayer, cytode, daboya, dacrya, darbar, darbha, darter, dartre, datary, datcha, dearth, deathy, debtor, decarb, decart, decoat, dehort, dertra, detach, detray, dhobey, doater, dohter, dorter, dother, dreary, dretch, dryrot, eartab, earthy, echard, errata, hadbot, harace, harare, harbor, harder, hatred, hearty, hectar, hector, herbar, heyrat, hoared, hobart, hobday, horace, horary, horray, hotbed, hydroa, hyrate, oatear, oathay, oathed, ochery, ochrea, octary, octdra, orache, orated, orbate, orchat, rabato, rachet, rahdar, rarety, ratero, rathed, rather, reachy, rebato, rebody, recado, recart, rechar, recoat, record, rector, redact, redart, redbay, redtab, rehboc, retard, retrad, retrod, rhetor, roader, roared, roated, roberd, robert, rocher, rochet, rorted, rotary, rotche, rother, tabard, taberd, tabora, tarboy, tarred, teaboy, teachy, theody, theory, thrace, thread, throed, toader, tocher, torchy, trabea, traced, tracer, trader, troade, trocar, trocha, troche, yacare, yarder, yareta, yearth
5 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
aahed, abate, abdat, abear, aberr, abhor, abode, abody, abord, abore, abort, abote, abray, abret, abyed, acate, acedy, acerb, aceta, achar, ached, acher, achor, acred, acted, actor, adaty, adobe, adore, adret, adyta, ahead, aorta, araby, arace, arach, arado, arber, arbor, arcae, arced, archd, arche, archt, archy, ardea, ardeb, arder, ardor, aread, arear, areca, arhar, arhat, aroar, aroba, arrah, array, arret, arrha, artar, arter, artha, athar, baaed, bacao, bache, bahar, bahay, bahoe, barad, barat, barca, barde, bardo, bardy, bared, barer, baret, barra, barre, barry, barth, barye, batad, batch, batea, bated, bater, bathe, bayed, bayer, beach, beady, beard, beata, beath, becry, beday, bedot, berat, beray, bercy, berry, berth, bhara, board, boart, boche, boder, bohea, borde, bored, borer, borty, botch, bothy, botry, boyar, boyed, boyer, braca, brace, brach, bract, braye, bread, brerd, breth, broad, broch, broth, byard, cabda, caber, cabot, cabre, cader, cadet, cadra, cadre, cahot, caoba, carat, carbo, carby, cardo, cardy, cared, carer, caret, carey, caroa, carob, carot, carry, carta, carte, carty, carya, cater, cathy, cedar, cedry, cerat, certy, chara, chard, chare, charr, chart, chary, chaya, cheat, chert, chode, chord, chore, chort, chota, choya, coarb, coart, coate, cobra, coder, cohab, corah, corbe, corby, cordy, cored, corer, corey, corta, coted, cothe, cothy, coyed, coyer, crare, crate, craye, cread, creda, credo, creta, croat, crore, cyath, dacha, dacor, darac, darat, darby, darcy, darer, darre, darya, datch, dater, deary, death, debar, debat, decay, decor, decoy, decry, deota, derah, derat, deray, derby, derry, derth, detar, dhoby, dhoty, doaty, dobra, docht, doeth, dorab, doray, dorey, dorty, doter, draba, draco, drate, drear, dryer, dryth, earth, ecart, echar, ectad, erato, eyrar, habet, hardy, hared, harre, harry, hated, hater, hayed, hayer, heady, heard, heart, herba, herby, herod, herry, hoaed, hoard, hoary, hoder, horde, horry, hoyed, hydra, hydro, oared, oater, obeah, ocher, ochry, ocrea, octad, ocyte, ohare, orach, oracy, orary, orate, orbed, order, oread, otary, other, rabat, rabot, raced, racer, rache, radar, rahed, rared, ratch, rated, rater, ratha, rathe, rayah, rayat, rayed, reach, react, ready, reata, rebar, recto, redry, rehab, rerob, retar, retch, retro, retry, rheda, rhody, rhyta, roach, roady, roary, roate, robed, rober, roche, rocta, rorty, rotch, roted, roter, royet, rybat, ryder, tabac, taber, tabor, tache, tacho, tahar, tarde, tardo, tardy, tarea, tared, taroc, tarre, tarry, tayer, tayra, tchad, teach, teary, techy, terra, terry, theca, theor, theyd, thore, thrae, throb, throe, toady, today, todea, toher, torch, tored, toyed, toyer, trace, trade, trady, tread, troad, troca, troch, trode, tryer, tyche, yacht, yarer, yarta, yarth, yarto, yatra, ybore, yeara, yeard, yerba, yerth
4 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
abac, abay, abed, abet, abey, abor, abye, acad, aced, acer, ache, achy, acor, acre, acta, acth, adar, adat, aday, adet, ador, adry, aero, ahab, ahed, ahey, ahoy, arab, arad, arar, arba, arca, arch, arco, area, ared, aret, arte, arty, atar, ated, atoc, atry, ayah, ayre, baar, bach, bact, bade, baho, baht, bara, bard, bare, barr, bart, bata, bate, bath, baya, baye, bayt, bead, bear, beat, beta, beth, bhat, bhoy, boar, boat, boca, boce, bode, body, boer, bora, bord, bore, borh, bort, bota, bote, both, brad, brae, brat, bray, bred, brer, bret, brey, brod, brot, brya, btry, byre, byte, byth, caba, cade, cady, carb, card, care, carr, cart, cate, cath, cera, cero, cert, chaa, chab, chad, chao, char, chat, chay, cher, chob, choy, chry, coat, coda, code, coed, cora, cord, core, corr, cort, cory, cote, coth, crab, cray, cred, croh, croy, cyte, daba, dace, daer, darb, dare, darr, dart, data, date, dato, dcor, dear, debt, deco, dero, doab, doat, dobe, doby, doer, doha, dora, dore, dorr, dort, dory, dote, doth, doty, drab, drat, dray, drch, drey, droh, dyce, dyer, each, eard, eath, ebcd, ebro, ecad, echo, echt, ecod, ecto, erat, erth, etch, eyah, eyot, eyra, haab, haar, hade, haec, hard, hare, haro, harr, hart, hate, haya, haye, head, hear, heat, hera, herb, herd, hero, herr, hert, hery, hoar, hodr, hoed, hoer, hoey, hora, hore, hort, hory, hote, hoya, hyde, hyed, hyte, oary, oath, oaty, obdt, obey, oche, ocht, octa, odah, odea, oder, ohed, orad, orae, orby, orca, orch, ored, orra, orth, oyer, raad, raca, race, rach, racy, rada, rade, raob, rara, rare, rata, rate, rath, rato, raya, read, rear, recd, rect, redo, retd, rhea, rheo, rhet, road, roar, robe, roch, rode, roed, roer, roey, rort, rory, rota, rotc, rote, royt, ryot, taar, tace, tach, taco, tade, taed, taha, tahr, tara, tare, taro, tarr, tche, tchr, tead, tear, teca, tech, tedy, tehr, tera, terr, thae, thar, thea, theb, thed, they, thob, thor, thro, toad, tobe, toby, toch, toda, tode, tody, toea, toed, toey, torc, tore, torr, trac, trad, trah, tray, trey, trod, troy, trye, tyde, tyed, tyer, tyro, tyrr, yaba, yade, yarb, yard, yare, yarr, yate, ybet, yead, yeah, year, yeat, yech, yedo, yerb, yerd, yeta, yeth, yode, yodh, yore, yote
3 Letter Words for Carbohydrate
aah, aba, abc, abd, abo, abr, abt, aby, ace, ach, act, acy, adc, ade, adh, ado, ady, aer, aha, aho, aob, aor, ara, arb, arc, ard, are, arr, art, ary, ate, aye, ayr, baa, bac, bad, bae, bah, bar, bat, bay, bcd, bch, bde, bec, bed, ber, bet, bey, bhd, boa, boc, bod, boe, boh, bor, bot, boy, bra, bro, brr, bye, cab, cad, car, cat, cay, cdr, ceo, cer, cha, che, cho, cob, cod, cor, cot, coy, cro, crt, cry, cte, cto, ctr, dab, dae, dah, dao, dar, dat, day, dca, dcb, dea, deb, dec, der, det, dey, dha, doa, dob, doc, doe, dor, dot, dry, dye, ead, ear, eat, ecb, ech, eco, ect, edh, edo, era, erd, err, ert, eta, etc, eth, ety, eyr, hab, had, hae, hao, hat, hay, hcb, hed, heo, her, het, hey, hoa, hob, hoc, hod, hoe, hor, hot, hoy, hyd, hye, oad, oar, oat, oba, obe, oca, och, oct, oda, ode, oer, ora, orb, orc, ord, ore, ort, ory, otc, oye, rab, rad, rah, rat, ray, rcd, rct, rea, reb, rec, red, reh, rha, rhb, rhd, rhe, rho, rhy, rob, roc, rod, roe, rot, rte, rya, rye, taa, tab, tad, tao, tar, tay, tch, tdr, tea, tec, ted, ter, tha, thb, thd, the, tho, thy, toa, tob, toc, tod, toe, tor, toy, tra, try, tye, tyr, yad, yah, yar, yat, yea, yed, yeh, yeo, yer, yet, yob, yod, yoe, yor, yot
Definitions for Carbohydrate
[1] any of a class of organic compounds that are polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones, or change to such substances on simple chemical transformations, as hydrolysis, oxidation, or reduction, and that form the supporting tissues of plants and are important food for animals and people.
[2] any of a large group of organic compounds, including sugars, such as sucrose, and polysaccharides, such as cellulose, glycogen, and starch, that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with the general formula C m (H 2 O) n : an important source of food and energy for animals Informal term: carb
Words related to Carbohydrate
sugar, starch, lactose, glucose, cellulose, galactose, glycogen, monosaccharide, disaccharide, sucrose, maltose, fructose, dextrose, dextrin, polysaccharide
Words nearby Carbohydrate
carbobenzoxy, carbocholine, carbocyclic, carbocyclic compound, carbohydrase, carbohydrate, carbohydrate loading, carbohydrate-induced hyperlipemia, carbohydrates, carbohydraturia, carbolated
Origin of Carbohydrate
First recorded in 1865–70; carbo- + hydrate
Other words from Carbohydrate
non·car·bo·hy·drate , noun
Synonyms for Carbohydrate
cellulose, glucose, lactose, starch, sugar, dextrin, dextrose, disaccharide, fructose, galactose, glycogen, maltose, monosaccharide, polysaccharide, sucrose