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Showing words for CAREER using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Career

career, carree

5 Letter Words for Career

arere, carer, cerer, crare, racer

4 Letter Words for Career

acer, acre, care, carr, cera, cere, erer, race, rare, rear

3 Letter Words for Career

ace, aer, arc, are, arr, car, cee, cer, ear, eec, eer, era, ere, err, rea, rec, ree

Definitions for Career

[1] an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework: He sought a career as a lawyer.
[2] a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking: His career as a soldier ended with the armistice.
[3] success in a profession, occupation, etc.
[4] a course, especially a swift one.
[5] speed, especially full speed: The horse stumbled in full career.
[6] Archaic . a charge at full speed.
[7] to run or move rapidly along; go at full speed.
[8] having or following a career; professional: a career diplomat.
[9] a path or progress through life or history
[10] a profession or occupation chosen as one's life's work
[11] (modifier) having or following a career as specified a career diplomat
[12] a course or path, esp a swift or headlong one
[13] (intr) to move swiftly along; rush in an uncontrolled way

Words related to Career

course, race, orbit, passage, pilgrimage, progress, walk, procedure

Words nearby Career

care attendant, care label, care package, care plan, careen, career, career girl, career woman, careerism, careerist, careers adviser

Origin of Career

1525–35; < Middle French carriere < Old Provençal carriera literally, road < Late Latin carrāria (via ) vehicular (road), equivalent to Latin carr(us ) wagon (see car1) + -āria, feminine of -ārius -ary

Words that may be confused with Career

careen, career

Word origin for Career

C16: from French carrière, from Late Latin carrāria carriage road, from Latin carrus two-wheeled wagon, car

Synonyms for Career

course, race, orbit, passage, pilgrimage, procedure, progress, walk