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Showing words for CAREFULLY using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Carefully
8 Letter Words for Carefully
7 Letter Words for Carefully
6 Letter Words for Carefully
5 Letter Words for Carefully
4 Letter Words for Carefully
3 Letter Words for Carefully
Definitions for Carefully
[1] cautious in one's actions: Be careful when you cross the street.
[2] taking pains in one's work; exact; thorough: a careful typist.
[3] (of things) done or performed with accuracy or caution: careful research.
[4] solicitously mindful (usually followed by of, about, or in ): careful of the rights of others; careful about one's behavior; careful in speech.
[5] Archaic . full of anxiety or care; troubled. causing or attended with anxiety: a careful day.
[6] cautious in attitude or action; prudent
[7] painstaking in one's work; thorough he wrote very careful script
[8] (usually postpositive; foll by of, in, or about) solicitous; protective careful of one's reputation
[9] archaic full of care; anxious
[10] British mean or miserly
Words related to Carefully
carefulwarily, delicately, thoroughly, laboriously, gingerly, faithfully, deliberately, correctly, fully, scrupulously, precisely, discreetly, rigorously, anxiously, conscientiously, meticulously, prudently, attentively, exactly, honorably
Words nearby Carefully
carefulcareers adviser, careers master, careers mistress, careers officer, carefree, careful, caregiver, caregiver speech, careless, careline, caren
Origin of Carefully
before 1000; Middle English; Old English carful, cearful. See care, -ful
Other words from Carefully
care·ful·ly , adverb
care·ful·ness , noun
qua·si-care·ful , adjective
qua·si-care·ful·ly , adverb
ul·tra·care·ful , adjective
ul·tra·care·ful·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Carefully
anxiously, attentively, conscientiously, correctly, deliberately, delicately, discreetly, faithfully, fully, gingerly, laboriously, meticulously, precisely, prudently, rigorously, scrupulously, thoroughly, thoughtfully, warily, circumspectly, concernedly, dependably, exactly, fastidiously, guardedly, heedfully, honorably, in detail, particularly, providently, punctiliously, regardfully, reliably, solicitously, trustily, uprightly, vigilantly, watchfully, with forethought, with reservations