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Showing words for CAROTID using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Carotid
6 Letter Words for Carotid
5 Letter Words for Carotid
4 Letter Words for Carotid
3 Letter Words for Carotid
Definitions for Carotid
[1] Also called carotid artery. either of the two large arteries, one on each side of the head, that carry blood to the head and that divide into an external branch supplying the neck, face, and other external parts, and an internal branch supplying the brain, eye, and other internal parts.
[2] pertaining to a carotid artery.
[3] either one of the two principal arteries that supply blood to the head and neck
[4] of or relating to either of these arteries
Words nearby Carotid
carotenoid, carotenosis cutis, carothers, caroticotympanic, caroticotympanic nerve, carotid, carotid artery, carotid body, carotid bruit, carotid canal, carotid ganglion
Origin of Carotid
1660–70; < Greek karōtídes neck arteries, equivalent to karōt(ikós ) soporific (kár(os ) stupor + -ōtikos -otic) + -ides -id1; so called by Galen, who found that their compression causes stupor
Other words from Carotid
ca·rot·id·al , adjective
in·ter·ca·rot·id , adjective
post·ca·rot·id , adjective
Word origin for Carotid
C17: from French, from Greek karōtides, from karoun to stupefy; so named by Galen, because pressure on them produced unconsciousness