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Showing words for CASTIGATE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Castigate
8 Letter Words for Castigate
7 Letter Words for Castigate
6 Letter Words for Castigate
5 Letter Words for Castigate
4 Letter Words for Castigate
3 Letter Words for Castigate
Definitions for Castigate
[1] to criticize or reprimand severely.
[2] to punish in order to correct.
[3] (tr) to rebuke or criticize in a severe manner; chastise
Words related to Castigate
penalize, criticize, pummel, chastise, excoriate, scold, censure, berate, upbraid, lambaste, rebuke, reprimand, lash, punish, flog, blister, discipline, cane, chasten, scourge
Words nearby Castigate
castelo branco, castelvetro, caster, caster action, caster sugar, castigate, castiglione, castile, castile soap, castilho, castilian
Origin of Castigate
1600–10; < Latin castīgātus literally, driven to be faultless (past participle of castigāre to chasten), equivalent to cast(us ) pure, chaste + -īg-, combining form of agere to drive, incite + -ātus -ate1
Other words from Castigate
cas·ti·ga·tion , noun
cas·ti·ga·tive , cas·ti·ga·to·ry [kas -ti-guh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ˈkæs tɪ gəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
cas·ti·ga·tor , noun
non·cas·ti·gat·ing , adjective
non·cas·ti·ga·tion , noun
self-cas·ti·gat·ing , adjective
self-cas·ti·ga·tion , noun
un·cas·ti·gat·ed , adjective
un·cas·ti·ga·tive , adjective
Word origin for Castigate
C17: from Latin castīgāre to correct, punish, from castum pure + agere to compel (to be)
Synonyms for Castigate
berate, censure, chastise, criticize, excoriate, flog, lambaste, lash, penalize, pummel, punish, rebuke, reprimand, scold, upbraid, baste, beat, blister, cane, chasten, correct, discipline, drub, flay, rail, rate, ream, scarify, scorch, scourge, thrash, whip, bawl out, chew out, come down on, drag over the coals, dress down, jump down one's throat, lay out, lean on, read the riot act, scathe, tongue-lash