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Showing words for CASUALTY using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Casualty
7 Letter Words for Casualty
6 Letter Words for Casualty
5 Letter Words for Casualty
4 Letter Words for Casualty
3 Letter Words for Casualty
Definitions for Casualty
[1] Military . a member of the armed forces lost to service through death, wounds, sickness, capture, or because his or her whereabouts or condition cannot be determined. casualties, loss in numerical strength through any cause, as death, wounds, sickness, capture, or desertion.
[2] one who is injured or killed in an accident: There were no casualties in the traffic accident.
[3] any person, group, thing, etc., that is harmed or destroyed as a result of some act or event: Their house was a casualty of the fire.
[4] a serious accident, especially one involving bodily injury or death.
[5] a serviceman who is killed, wounded, captured, or missing as a result of enemy action
[6] a person who is injured or killed in an accident
[7] a hospital department in which victims of accidents, violence, etc, are treated
[8] anything that is lost, damaged, or destroyed as the result of an accident, etc
Words related to Casualty
blow, calamity, catastrophe, mishap, disaster, injured, wounded, dead, fatality, loss, chance, misfortune, debacle, contingency, misadventure, prey, sufferer, missing
Words nearby Casualty
castrop-rauxel, casual, casual contact, casual friday, casualization, casualty, casualty insurance, casualwear, casuarina, casuist, casuistic
Origin of Casualty
1375–1425; casual + -ty2; replacing late Middle English casuelte, equivalent to casuel (see casual) + -te -ty2
Words that may be confused with Casualty
Synonyms for Casualty
blow, calamity, catastrophe, disaster, mishap, chance, contingency, debacle, misadventure, misfortune