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Showing words for CATACOMB using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Catacomb


7 Letter Words for Catacomb


6 Letter Words for Catacomb

abacot, camoca, combat, macaco, mataco, tacoma, tambac, tombac

5 Letter Words for Catacomb

aboma, acoma, bacao, bacca, bacco, bocca, caboc, cabot, cacam, cacao, caoba, coact, macao, macco, occam, tabac, tacca, tambo

4 Letter Words for Catacomb

abac, acca, acct, acta, amba, ambo, atma, atmo, atoc, atom, bact, bata, boat, boca, boma, bota, caam, caba, caca, camb, camo, coat, coca, coct, coma, comb, maat, maco, mata, moat, moca, mota, octa, taco, tomb

3 Letter Words for Catacomb

aam, aba, abc, abm, abo, abt, acc, act, ama, amb, amt, aob, atm, baa, bac, bam, bat, boa, boc, bom, bot, cab, cam, cat, cbc, ccm, cob, com, cot, cto, maa, mab, mac, mao, mat, mba, moa, mob, moc, mot, oam, oat, oba, oca, oct, omb, otc, taa, tab, tam, tao, toa, tob, toc, tom

Definitions for Catacomb

[1] Usually catacombs. an underground cemetery, especially one consisting of tunnels and rooms with recesses dug out for coffins and tombs.
[2] the Catacombs, the subterranean burial chambers of the early Christians in and near Rome, Italy.
[3] an underground passageway, especially one full of twists and turns.
[4] (usually plural) an underground burial place, esp the galleries at Rome, consisting of tunnels with vaults or niches leading off them for tombs
[5] a series of interconnected underground tunnels or caves

Words related to Catacomb

chamber, crypt, grotto, cave, passageway

Words nearby Catacomb

cataclasis, cataclastic, cataclinal, cataclysm, cataclysmic, catacomb, catacrotism, catadicrotism, catadioptric, catadromous, catafalque

Origin of Catacomb

before 900; Middle English catacombe, Old English catacumbe < Late Latin catacumbās (accusative plural); of disputed orig.; perhaps < Greek *katakýmbās, equivalent to kata- cata- + kýmbās, accusative plural of kýmbē hollow, cup

Other words from Catacomb

cat·a·cum·bal [kat-uh -kuhm -buh  l] /ˌkæt əˈkʌm bəl/ , adjective

Word origin for Catacomb

Old English catacumbe, from Late Latin catacumbas (singular), name of the cemetery under the Basilica of St Sebastian, near Rome; origin unknown

Synonyms for Catacomb

cave, chamber, crypt, grotto, passageway