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Showing words for CATCHALL using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Catchall
7 Letter Words for Catchall
6 Letter Words for Catchall
5 Letter Words for Catchall
4 Letter Words for Catchall
3 Letter Words for Catchall
Definitions for Catchall
[1] a bag, basket, or other receptacle for odds and ends.
[2] something that covers a wide variety of items or situations: The list is just a catchall of things I want to see or do on vacation.
[3] covering a wide variety of items or situations: The anthology is a catchall collection.
Words related to Catchall
comprehensive, broad, across-the-board, all-around, blanket, encyclopedic, full, general, global, overall, sweeping, umbrella, whole, wall-to-wall
Words nearby Catchall
catch-all, catch-as-catch-can, catch-colt, catch-cord, catch-up, catchall, catchcry, catcher, catcher in the rye, the, catcher resonator, catcher's box
Origin of Catchall
1830–40, Americanism ; noun use of verb phrase catch all
Synonyms for Catchall
broad, comprehensive, across-the-board, all the options, all together, all-around, ball-of-wax, blanket, encyclopedic, full, general, global, in toto, overall, sweeping, umbrella, wall-to-wall, whole, without exception