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Showing words for CATECHU using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Catechu


6 Letter Words for Catechu

cachet, chacte, chaute, chteau, cutcha

5 Letter Words for Catechu

acute, aucht, cache, catch, cauch, chace, cheat, chuet, chute, cueca, cutch, haute, tache, teach, teuch, theca

4 Letter Words for Catechu

acce, acct, ache, acth, actu, aute, auth, cace, cate, cath, ceca, chat, chut, cuca, cute, each, eath, ecch, echt, etch, etua, haec, hate, haut, heat, tace, tach, tche, tchu, teca, tech, thae, thea, utah, utch

3 Letter Words for Catechu

acc, ace, ach, act, ahu, ate, auh, cat, cha, che, cte, cue, cut, eat, eau, ecc, ech, ect, ecu, eta, etc, eth, hae, hat, hau, het, hue, hut, tau, tch, tea, tec, tha, the, tua, tue, uca, uta, utc, ute

Definitions for Catechu

[1] any of several astringent substances obtained from various tropical plants, especially from the wood of two East Indian acacias, Acacia catechu and A. suma: used in medicine, dyeing, tanning, etc.
[2] a water-soluble astringent resinous substance obtained from any of certain tropical plants, esp the leguminous tree Acacia catechu of S Asia, and used in medicine, tanning, and dyeing See also gambier

Words nearby Catechu

catechism, catechist, catechize, catechol, catecholamine, catechu, catechumen, categorematic, categorial, categorial grammar, categoric contact

Origin of Catechu

1670–80; < New Latin < Portuguese; perhaps a conflation of Marathi kāt catechu and kāccu, with same sense, alleged to be < Malayalam; cashoo, cutch perhaps < Malay kacu < Malayalam, or a cognate Dravidian word

Word origin for Catechu

C17: probably from Malay kachu, of Dravidian origin