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Showing words for CAUTIONING using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Cautioning
9 Letter Words for Cautioning
8 Letter Words for Cautioning
7 Letter Words for Cautioning
6 Letter Words for Cautioning
5 Letter Words for Cautioning
4 Letter Words for Cautioning
3 Letter Words for Cautioning
Definitions for Cautioning
[1] alertness and prudence in a hazardous situation; care; wariness: Landslides ahead—proceed with caution.
[2] a warning against danger or evil; anything serving as a warning: By way of caution, he told me the difficulties I would face.
[3] Informal . a person or thing that astonishes or causes mild apprehension: She's a caution. The way he challenges your remarks is a caution.
[4] to give warning to; advise or urge to take heed.
[5] to warn or advise: The newspapers caution against overoptimism.
[6] care, forethought, or prudence, esp in the face of danger; wariness
[7] something intended or serving as a warning; admonition
[8] law , mainly British a formal warning given to a person suspected or accused of an offence that his words will be taken down and may be used in evidence
[9] a notice entered on the register of title to land that prevents a proprietor from disposing of his or her land without a notice to the person who entered the caution
[10] informal an amusing or surprising person or thing she's a real caution
[11] (tr) to urge or warn (a person) to be careful
[12] (tr) law , mainly British to give a caution to (a person)
[13] (intr) to warn, urge, or advise he cautioned against optimism
Words related to Cautioning
cautionattention, prudence, foresight, discretion, vigilance, care, advice, urge, forewarn, exhort, admonish, alert, circumspection, deliberation, providence, forethought, heed, watchfulness, discreetness, tip-off
Words nearby Cautioning
cautioncaustic soda, caustic surface, cauterant, cauterize, cautery, caution, caution money, cautionary, cautious, cauvery, cav
Origin of Cautioning
1250–1300; Middle English caucion < Latin cautiōn- (stem of cautiō ) a taking care, equivalent to caut(us ), past participle of cavēre to guard against (cau- take care, guard + -tus past participle suffix) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Cautioning
cau·tion·er , noun
o·ver·cau·tion , noun, verb (used with object)
re·cau·tion , verb (used with object)
su·per·cau·tion , noun
un·cau·tioned , adjective
well-cau·tioned , adjective
Word origin for Cautioning
C13: from Old French, from Latin cautiō, from cavēre to beware
Synonyms for Cautioning
attention, care, discretion, foresight, prudence, vigilance, circumspection, deliberation, discreetness, forethought, heed, heedfulness, providence, watchfulness, Fabian policy, canniness