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Showing words for CELEBRATE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Celebrate
8 Letter Words for Celebrate
7 Letter Words for Celebrate
6 Letter Words for Celebrate
5 Letter Words for Celebrate
4 Letter Words for Celebrate
3 Letter Words for Celebrate
Definitions for Celebrate
[1] to observe (a day) or commemorate (an event) with ceremonies or festivities: to celebrate Christmas; to celebrate the success of a new play.
[2] to make known publicly; proclaim: The newspaper celebrated the end of the war in red headlines.
[3] to praise widely or to present to widespread and favorable public notice, as through newspapers or novels: a novel celebrating the joys of marriage; the countryside celebrated in the novels of Hardy.
[4] to perform with appropriate rites and ceremonies; solemnize: to celebrate a marriage.
[5] to observe a day or commemorate an event with ceremonies or festivities.
[6] to perform a religious ceremony, especially Mass or the Lord's Supper.
[7] to have or participate in a party, drinking spree, or uninhibited good time: You look like you were up celebrating all night.
[8] to rejoice in or have special festivities to mark (a happy day, event, etc)
[9] (tr) to observe (a birthday, anniversary, etc) she celebrates her ninetieth birthday next month
[10] (tr) to perform (a solemn or religious ceremony), esp to officiate at (Mass)
[11] (tr) to praise publicly; proclaim
Words related to Celebrate
perform, laud, proclaim, observe, praise, honor, revere, commend, revel, lionize, solemnize, signalize, jubilate, hallow, rejoice, eulogize, extol, exalt, fete, party
Words nearby Celebrate
celaya, celeb, celebes, celebes sea, celebrant, celebrate, celebrated, celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county, the, celebration, celebrity, celebutante
Origin of Celebrate
1425–75; late Middle English < Latin celebrātus past participle of celebrāre to solemnize, celebrate, honor, equivalent to celebr- (stem of celeber ) often repeated, famous + -ātus -ate1
Words that may be confused with Celebrate
celebrate, celibate, cerebrate
Other words from Celebrate
cel·e·bra·tive , adjective
cel·e·bra·tor , cel·e·brat·er , noun
cel·e·bra·to·ry [sel -uh -bruh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee, suh -leb -ruh -] /ˈsɛl ə brəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i, səˈlɛb rə-/ , adjective
pre·cel·e·brate , verb, pre·cel·e·brat·ed, pre·cel·e·brat·ing.
re·cel·e·brate , verb, re·cel·e·brat·ed, re·cel·e·brat·ing.
un·cel·e·brat·ing , adjective
Word origin for Celebrate
C15: from Latin celebrāre, from celeber numerous, thronged, renowned
Synonyms for Celebrate
honor, laud, observe, perform, praise, proclaim, revere, bless, carouse, commend, consecrate, dedicate, eulogize, exalt, extol, feast, fete, glorify, hallow, jubilate, keep, lionize, memorialize, party, publicize, rejoice, revel, ritualize, signalize, solemnize, beat the drum, blow off steam, ceremonialize, drink to, have a ball, kick up one's heels, let loose, live it up, make merry, make whoopee, mark with a red letter, paint the town red, raise hell