9 Letter Words for Celestial
8 Letter Words for Celestial
castelli, laceiest, lealties, scalelet, sellaite
7 Letter Words for Celestial
alectis, allices, ascelli, astelic, cailles, callets, castile, celesta, cellist, elastic, eleatic, laciest, latices, salicet, sectile, sellate, sitella, tailles, tallies, teecall, telesia, telical, tellies
6 Letter Words for Celestial
aceite, allect, allees, allice, allies, ascill, ascite, ateles, atelic, caille, calles, callet, castle, celite, cellae, celtis, cisela, cisele, cistae, citals, cleats, clites, eacles, eclats, eisell, elaeis, elates, elects, elites, estall, illect, illest, lacets, laesie, laetic, lilacs, listee, listel, salele, salite, sallee, sallet, saltee, saltie, scalet, scilla, sclate, sealet, secale, select, sellie, siacle, siecle, steale, stelai, stelic, stella, taille, talles, tallis, teasel, teasle, tecali, telial, ticals
5 Letter Words for Celestial
acies, aillt, aisle, alces, alecs, alice, aliet, alist, alite, allee, allis, astel, atees, atlee, caese, calli, calls, caste, catel, cates, cease, ceile, ceils, cella, cells, celts, cesta, ceste, cesti, cetes, ciels, cills, cista, cital, citee, cites, claes, clast, clats, cleat, clies, clite, clits, eales, easel, easle, eclat, ectal, eisel, elaic, elate, elect, elite, ellas, esile, ictal, ileac, ileal, islet, istle, laces, lacet, lacis, laeti, laics, lease, least, leats, lects, leets, leste, licet, liest, lilac, lilas, liles, lilts, lisle, litas, lites, saice, salet, salic, salle, scail, scale, scall, scalt, sceat, sclat, sella, selle, setae, setal, sicle, slait, slate, sleet, slete, slice, slite, stail, stale, stall, steal, steel, steil, stela, stele, stell, stile, still, taces, tails, taise, talcs, tales, talis, talli, talls, teals, tease, teels, teils, teise, teles, telia, telic, tells, tesla, tical, tices, tiles, tills
4 Letter Words for Celestial
aces, acle, acts, aiel, aile, ails, aits, alce, alec, alee, ales, alls, alts, asci, ates, atis, atle, atli, call, cals, case, cast, cate, cats, ceas, cees, ceil, cele, cell, cels, celt, cest, cete, ceti, ciel, cill, cist, cite, cits, clat, clee, clit, eale, ease, east, eats, eels, eila, elec, elle, elli, ells, else, elts, esca, etas, etic, ices, ilea, ills, isle, ital, itas, itel, itll, lace, lacs, laet, laic, lait, lase, last, late, lati, lats, leal, leas, leat, lect, lees, leet, leis, lese, lest, lete, lets, lias, lice, lies, lila, lile, lilt, list, lite, lits, saic, sail, sale, sall, salt, sate, sati, scat, scet, scil, seal, seat, sect, seel, seil, seit, sele, sell, selt, seta, sial, sice, sila, sile, sill, silt, sita, site, slat, slee, slit, stie, tace, tael, tail, tais, talc, tale, tali, tall, teal, teas, teca, teel, tees, teil, tela, tele, teli, tell, tels, tice, tics, ties, tile, till, tils, tsia
3 Letter Words for Celestial
ace, act, aes, ail, ais, ait, alc, ale, all, als, alt, ase, asl, ast, ate, cai, cal, cat, cee, cel, cia, cie, cis, cit, cli, csi, cst, cte, cts, eas, eat, ect, eec, eel, ela, eli, ell, els, elt, esc, ese, est, eta, etc, ice, ile, ill, ise, isl, ist, ita, its, lac, lai, las, lat, lca, lea, lee, lei, les, let, lie, lis, lit, lsc, lst, sac, sai, sal, sat, sci, sct, sea, sec, see, sei, sel, set, sic, sie, sil, sit, sla, sle, slt, sta, tai, tal, tas, tea, tec, tee, tel, tes, tic, tie, til, tis, tlc, tsi
Definitions for Celestial
[1] pertaining to the sky or visible heaven, or to the universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere, as in celestial body .
[2] pertaining to the spiritual or invisible heaven; heavenly; divine: celestial bliss.
[3] of or relating to celestial navigation: a celestial fix.
[4] (initial capital letter ) of or relating to the former Chinese Empire or the Chinese people.
[5] an inhabitant of heaven.
[6] (initial capital letter ) a citizen of the Celestial Empire.
[7] heavenly; divine; spiritual celestial peace
[8] of or relating to the sky celestial bodies
Words related to Celestial
spiritual, angelic, immortal, otherworldly, supernatural, ethereal, divine, sublime, astral, beatific, blessed, empyrean, eternal, godlike, hallowed, holy, seraphic, supernal, transcendental, Olympian
Words nearby Celestial
celery cabbage, celery pine, celery salt, celesta, celeste, celestial, celestial city, celestial empire, celestial equator, celestial globe, celestial guidance
Origin of Celestial
1350–1400; Middle English < Medieval Latin cēlestiālis, equivalent to Latin caelesti(s ) heavenly (cael(um ) heaven, sky + -estis adj. suffix) + -ālis -al1
Other words from Celestial
ce·les·tial·ly , adverb
ce·les·tial·ness , ce·les·ti·al·i·ty [suh -les-chee-al -i-tee] /səˌlɛs tʃiˈæl ɪ ti/ , noun
non·ce·les·tial , adjective
non·ce·les·tial·ly , adverb
su·per·ce·les·tial , adjective
su·per·ce·les·tial·ly , adverb
un·ce·les·tial , adjective
Word origin for Celestial
C14: from Medieval Latin cēlestiālis, from Latin caelestis, from caelum heaven
Synonyms for Celestial
angelic, divine, ethereal, immortal, otherworldly, spiritual, sublime, supernatural, Olympian, astral, beatific, blessed, elysian, empyral, empyrean, eternal, godlike, hallowed, holy, seraphic, supernal, transcendental, transmundane