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Showing words for CEPHALOTHORAX using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Cephalothorax


11 Letter Words for Cephalothorax


10 Letter Words for Cephalothorax

heptachlor, heptarchal, leptochroa

9 Letter Words for Cephalothorax

acropetal, apothecal, chapteral, cleopatra, tropaeola

8 Letter Words for Cephalothorax

alcohate, apholate, archpoet, atrochal, axopetal, calthrop, caproate, chaptrel, chelator, chlorate, chroatol, colorate, ectoloph, exarchal, halachot, hapalote, hathpace, heptarch, hexaplar, laportea, oothecal, pectoral, placater, plethora, porthole, potholer, potlache, protheca, racepath, tapacolo, thoracal, toxocara, tracheal, traphole, trochlea, trophaea

7 Letter Words for Cephalothorax

acaleph, acephal, acerola, alchera, alcoate, aphthae, apochae, apothec, apteral, archeal, archeol, archlet, atrocha, atropal, caltrap, caltrop, caporal, caprate, capreol, carotol, carpale, carpool, cathole, cephala, chaetal, chaloth, chaplet, chapote, chapter, charlet, chartae, cheroot, cholate, cholera, chorale, choreal, chortle, clethra, coaltar, colport, coperta, copolar, crapola, crotala, crotalo, elatcha, epactal, ephoral, epochal, exactor, exocarp, halpace, haptera, haratch, hatchel, hatcher, hexapla, hexarch, lacerta, lapacho, latcher, laxator, loather, locator, oarhole, octapla, ootheca, opacate, oxalate, oxalato, oxheart, patache, patcher, patrole, peacoat, pectora, phalera, pharaoh, phorate, placate, plectra, poacher, pochote, polacre, polecat, poother, porcate, potcher, pothole, potlach, precool, proctal, prolate, raphael, raploch, ratchel, rathole, relatch, repatch, rootcap, roploch, taphole, toheroa, toolach, toparch, trachea, trachle, trehala, trochal, trophal

6 Letter Words for Cephalothorax

acarol, acater, acetal, acetla, acetol, achape, achate, acheat, acheta, achtel, achter, acorea, ahchoo, alepot, alerta, aletap, alopex, alroot, althea, aortal, apache, aperch, apheta, aphtha, aplace, apocha, apolar, arache, arcate, arcato, areach, areola, arthel, atocha, atroce, atropa, cahoot, caltha, caphar, caplet, capote, captor, carapo, carate, carhop, carlet, carlot, carole, carpal, carpel, carpet, cartel, cartop, catalo, cathar, cathop, cathro, catlap, ceptor, cerata, chaeta, chahar, chahta, chalah, chaleh, chalet, chalot, chalta, chapah, chapel, charet, charta, cheapo, chetah, chlore, chloro, choate, choler, choora, choral, chorea, claret, clorox, clothe, clotho, coaler, coater, coaxal, coaxer, coelar, coelho, cohert, cohort, colate, colera, colpeo, colter, cooler, coolth, cooper, cooter, copart, coplot, coprah, copter, cortex, craple, croape, crotal, earcap, earlap, elator, eparch, epocha, exacta, exarch, exhort, explat, export, hachoo, halper, halter, haptor, harace, harlot, hartal, health, hearth, hectar, hector, hepcat, heptal, herola, hertha, hexact, hoaxer, hooper, hoopla, hoople, hooter, horace, hotcha, lacert, lahore, latera, lather, laxate, lector, loathe, locate, lohoch, looper, looter, lorate, lorcha, oarlop, oatear, ocelot, ochrea, operla, orache, oracle, orchat, orchel, orthal, oxcart, oxheal, pacate, pacota, palace, palach, palate, palter, parale, parate, parcae, parcel, paroch, parole, pataco, patera, pathol, patola, patrol, pearch, pelota, peract, percha, petara, petrol, phocae, phocal, photal, phthor, placer, placet, platch, platea, plater, pleach, plexor, plotch, poleax, pooler, pooter, portal, potche, pother, pratal, preach, precox, pretax, prlate, proach, protax, protea, rachet, rechal, recoal, recoat, recool, rectal, rehoop, relata, replot, retool, rhaphe, rochet, rootle, rotche, talcer, talpae, tapalo, taraph, tarcel, tephra, teraph, texaco, thaler, thecal, thecla, therap, thoral, thorax, thorpe, thrace, thraep, thrope, tocher, toecap, tooler, torcel, torpex, trocha, troche, tropal

5 Letter Words for Cephalothorax

acale, acate, aceta, achar, acher, achoo, achor, acool, actor, aheap, aholt, alate, alcea, aleph, alert, alhet, aloha, alpax, alpha, altar, alter, aorta, apace, apart, apert, aport, apter, arace, arach, arcae, arche, archt, areal, areca, arepa, arhat, aroph, artal, artel, artha, atelo, athar, athel, atole, cahot, calor, calpa, calpe, capax, capel, caper, caple, capot, capra, carap, carat, caret, carex, carle, carlo, caroa, carol, carot, carpe, carta, carte, catel, cater, ceorl, ceral, cerat, chape, chara, chare, chart, cheap, cheat, chela, chelp, chert, cheth, chloe, chlor, choel, chola, cholo, choop, chopa, chore, chort, chota, clape, clapt, clare, claro, clart, clear, cleat, clept, cloop, cloot, clote, cloth, coala, coapt, coart, coate, cohoe, cohol, colat, colet, color, cooer, coopt, cooth, copal, coper, copra, corah, coral, coroa, corol, corpl, corta, cothe, coxae, coxal, craal, crape, crate, crept, creta, croat, crool, earth, ecart, echar, eclat, ectal, epact, ephah, ephor, eplot, epoch, erato, ethal, exact, exalt, exopt, expat, exptl, extol, extra, hache, hacht, halch, haler, halte, haole, hapax, harle, hatch, hatel, hater, heart, heath, hecht, helco, helot, hepar, holer, hooch, hoper, horah, horal, horla, horol, hotch, hotel, hothr, lacer, lacet, lache, lacto, lahar, larch, latah, latch, later, latex, lathe, latro, laxer, leach, leapt, leath, lepra, lepta, lerot, loach, loath, loche, looch, loope, loper, lotah, lotor, oater, ocher, ochro, ocote, ocrea, octal, ohare, ohelo, opera, opter, orach, orale, orate, orlet, orlop, ortho, other, oxter, pacer, pacha, pacta, palar, palch, palea, paleo, paler, palet, palta, paolo, parae, parah, parao, parch, parel, pareo, parle, parol, parte, parto, patao, patch, patel, paxto, peach, pearl, peart, pecht, pelta, perca, perch, perth, petal, petar, petro, phaet, phare, pharo, pheal, phlox, phoca, photo, place, plate, plato, pleat, ploat, ploce, plote, plotx, poach, poche, polar, poler, pooch, poort, poral, porch, poret, porta, porte, porto, potch, poter, praha, prate, prela, preta, proal, prole, prote, proto, rache, ralph, raphe, ratal, ratch, ratel, ratha, rathe, ratoo, reaal, reach, react, realo, reata, recal, recap, recpt, recto, relap, relax, relot, repla, repot, retal, retax, retch, roach, roate, roche, rocta, roleo, rotal, rotch, tache, tacho, tahar, talao, talar, talea, taler, talpa, taper, tapoa, tarea, taroc, taxer, taxol, taxor, teach, telar, telco, tepal, tepor, terap, thala, theah, theca, theol, theor, thole, thore, thoro, thorp, thrae, thrap, throe, tlaco, toher, tolar, toper, tophe, toral, torch, trace, trapa, trape, troca, troch, troco, troop, trope

4 Letter Words for Cephalothorax

aarp, acer, ache, acle, acop, acor, acpt, acre, acta, acth, aero, alae, alap, alar, alca, alce, alco, alec, alep, aloe, alop, alto, apar, aper, apex, arca, arch, arco, area, aret, arle, arte, atap, atar, atle, atoc, atop, axal, axel, axer, axle, calo, calp, calx, capa, cape, caph, capo, capt, care, carl, carp, cart, cate, cath, celt, cepa, cera, cero, cert, chaa, chal, chao, chap, char, chat, cher, chol, chop, clap, clar, clat, clep, clop, clot, coal, coat, coax, coho, cola, cole, colp, colt, cool, coop, coot, copa, cope, copr, copt, cora, core, corp, cort, cote, coth, coto, coxa, crap, crax, crex, croh, crop, crpe, ctrl, each, earl, eath, echo, echt, ecol, ecto, eorl, epha, eral, erat, erth, etch, exch, excl, exla, exor, expo, expt, exta, haar, haec, haha, hala, hale, halo, halp, halt, hare, harl, haro, harp, hart, hate, hath, heal, heap, hear, heat, hech, hela, helo, help, hept, hera, herl, hero, herp, hert, heth, hexa, hoar, hoax, hoch, hoer, hoho, hola, hole, holp, holt, hool, hoop, hoot, hope, hora, hore, hort, hote, hoth, htel, lace, laer, laet, lare, lata, late, lath, leap, lear, leat, lech, lect, lehr, lepa, lerp, leto, loca, loco, loop, loor, loot, lope, lora, lore, loro, lota, lote, loto, oath, oche, ocht, octa, olea, oleo, olpe, opah, opal, opec, orae, oral, orca, orch, oreo, orle, orlo, orth, otoe, oxea, oxer, paal, paar, paca, pace, paco, pact, paha, paho, pala, pale, palt, para, parc, pare, parl, part, pata, pate, path, pato, peal, pear, peat, pech, peho, pela, pelt, perh, pert, peta, peto, phar, phat, phoh, phoo, phot, plat, plea, plex, plot, poco, poet, poha, pole, polo, polt, pooa, pooh, pool, poor, poot, porc, pore, port, pote, prao, prat, prec, pret, prex, proa, proc, proo, prox, ptah, raca, race, rach, rale, rape, rapt, rata, rate, rath, rato, rcpt, real, reap, rect, repl, repo, rept, rhea, rheo, rhet, roch, role, rool, roop, root, rope, rota, rotc, rote, rotl, roto, taal, taar, tace, tach, taco, tael, taha, tahr, tala, talc, tale, tapa, tape, tara, tare, taro, tarp, taxa, tche, tchr, teal, teap, tear, teca, tech, tehr, tela, tepa, tera, terp, thae, thar, thea, thoo, thor, thro, toch, toco, toea, toho, tola, tole, tool, toop, tope, toph, topo, torc, tore, toro, toxa, trac, trah, trap, trop, xctl

3 Letter Words for Cephalothorax

aah, aal, ace, ach, act, aer, aha, ahh, aho, ala, alc, ale, alo, alp, alt, aor, apa, apc, ape, aph, apl, apr, apt, apx, ara, arc, are, art, arx, ate, atp, cal, cap, car, cat, cel, ceo, cep, cer, cha, che, cho, clo, clr, col, coo, cop, cor, cot, cox, cpa, cpl, cpo, cpr, cpt, crl, cro, crt, cte, cto, ctr, ear, eat, ech, eco, ect, ela, elt, epa, era, ert, eta, etc, eth, exc, exp, exr, ext, hae, hao, hap, hat, hcl, heh, hel, heo, hep, her, het, hex, hoa, hoc, hoe, hoh, hol, hoo, hop, hor, hot, hox, laa, lac, lah, lao, lap, lar, lat, lax, lca, lea, leo, lep, ler, let, lex, loa, loc, loe, loo, lop, lor, lot, lox, ltr, oar, oat, oca, och, oct, oer, oho, ola, ole, olp, ooh, oop, oor, oot, opa, ope, opt, ora, orc, ore, orl, ort, otc, oto, oxo, pac, pah, pal, par, pat, pax, pct, pea, pec, peh, pel, per, pet, pho, phr, pht, poa, poh, pol, poo, por, pot, pox, prc, pre, pro, pta, pte, rah, rap, rat, rax, rct, rea, rec, reh, rel, rep, rex, rha, rhe, rho, rle, roc, roe, roo, rot, rox, rpt, rte, taa, tal, tao, tap, tar, tax, tch, tcp, tea, tec, tel, ter, tex, tha, the, tho, tlc, tlo, tlr, toa, toc, toe, tol, too, top, tor, tox, tph, tra, trp, xat, xcl

Definitions for Cephalothorax

[1] the anterior part of the body in certain arachnids and crustaceans, consisting of the coalesced head and thorax.
[2] the anterior part of many crustaceans and some other arthropods consisting of a united head and thorax

Words nearby Cephalothorax

cephalopod, cephalosporin, cephalosporinase, cephalostat, cephalothoracic, cephalothorax, cephalous, cephalus, cepheid, cepheid variable, cepheus

Origin of Cephalothorax

First recorded in 1825–35; cephalo- + thorax

Other words from Cephalothorax

ceph·a·lo·tho·rac·ic [sef-uh -loh-thuh -ras -ik] /ˌsɛf ə loʊ θəˈræs ɪk/ , adjective