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Showing words for CERBERUS using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Cerberus
7 Letter Words for Cerberus
6 Letter Words for Cerberus
5 Letter Words for Cerberus
4 Letter Words for Cerberus
3 Letter Words for Cerberus
Definitions for Cerberus
[1] Also Kerberos. Classical Mythology . a dog, usually represented as having three heads, that guarded the entrance of the infernal regions.
[2] a formidable and often surly keeper or guard.
[3] Greek myth a dog, usually represented as having three heads, that guarded the entrance to Hades
[4] a sop to Cerberus a bribe or something given to propitiate a potential source of danger or problems
Words related to Cerberus
superintendent, curator, steward, warden, overseer, keeper, supervisor, protector, watchdog, cleaner, bodyguard, guardian, concierge, manager, escort, super, sitter, angel, chaperon, guard
Other words from Cerberus
Cer·be·re·an [ser-beer -ee-uh n] /sərˈbɪər i ən/ , Cer·ber·ic , adjective
Synonyms for Cerberus
curator, keeper, overseer, protector, steward, superintendent, supervisor, warden, watchdog, bodyguard, cleaner, concierge, escort, guardian, manager, sitter, super, baby sitter, claviger, cleaning person, housesitter, maintenance person, swamper, watchperson