9 Letter Words for Chamfered
8 Letter Words for Chamfered
7 Letter Words for Chamfered
amerced, chamfer, charmed, creamed, decharm, decream, defacer, defamer, demarch, dmarche, macheer, machree, marched, racemed, reached, rechafe, refaced
6 Letter Words for Chamfered
acheer, achree, adhere, amerce, arched, areche, cadere, camfer, careme, chafed, chafer, chared, cheare, chedar, cheder, cherem, deafer, decare, deface, defame, derham, dreche, echard, farced, farmed, feared, frache, framed, hareem, harmed, header, hedera, hemera, hermae, marche, meader, raceme, readme, reamed, redame, reface, rehead, remade, remead, rhedae
5 Letter Words for Chamfered
ached, acher, acred, adeem, ameed, arced, archd, arche, arede, armed, cadee, cader, cadre, cared, cedar, ceder, cedre, cered, chafe, chard, chare, charm, cheer, chere, crame, cread, cream, creda, creed, creem, creme, deare, decaf, decem, defer, derah, derma, drame, dream, eared, echar, echea, eched, edema, erade, faced, facer, fader, fadme, famed, farce, farde, fardh, fared, fchar, feare, fehme, ferme, frame, fream, freed, fremd, hamed, hared, harem, heame, heard, heare, heder, hemad, herem, herma, maced, macer, mache, madre, march, meach, meare, medea, meech, merce, merch, merde, mered, raced, rache, rahed, ramed, ramee, reach, reame, reech, refed, rehem, rheda, rhema, rheme
4 Letter Words for Chamfered
aced, acer, ache, acme, acre, afer, ahed, ahem, arch, ared, cade, cafe, cafh, came, card, care, carf, cede, cera, cere, chad, cham, char, chee, chef, chem, cher, cmdr, cram, cred, dace, daer, dame, dare, deaf, dear, deem, deer, deme, dere, derf, derm, dram, drch, dree, each, eard, ecad, eche, edam, edea, eech, ehed, emda, emer, ered, erme, face, fade, fahr, fame, fard, fare, farm, fear, feed, feer, fehm, feme, ferd, ferm, frae, free, hade, haec, hame, hard, hare, harm, head, heaf, hear, hede, heed, heer, heme, hera, herd, here, herm, mace, mach, made, maed, marc, mard, mare, mead, mear, mech, mede, meed, meer, merc, merd, mere, race, rach, rade, rame, read, ream, recd, rede, reed, reef, reem, rhea
3 Letter Words for Chamfered
ace, ach, adc, ade, adh, adm, aer, afd, ame, arc, ard, are, arf, arm, cad, caf, cam, car, cdf, cdr, cee, cer, cfd, cfh, cfm, cha, che, chm, cmd, dae, dah, dam, dar, dca, dea, dec, dee, def, dem, der, dha, ead, eam, ear, ech, ecm, edh, eec, eer, ehf, eme, emf, era, erd, ere, erf, fac, fad, fah, fam, far, fdr, fec, fed, fee, feh, fem, fer, fha, fra, had, hae, haf, ham, hcf, hed, hee, hem, her, mac, mad, mae, mar, mcf, mea, med, mee, meh, mer, mfa, mfd, mfr, mrd, rad, raf, rah, ram, rcd, rea, rec, red, ree, ref, reh, rem, rha, rhd, rhe
Definitions for Chamfered
[1] a cut that is made in wood or some other material, usually at a 45° angle to the adjacent principal faces. Compare bevel.
[2] to make a chamfer on or in.
[3] a narrow flat surface at the corner of a beam, post, etc, esp one at an angle of 45° Compare bevel (def. 1)
[4] to cut such a surface on (a beam, etc)
[5] another word for chase 2 (def. 4)
Words related to Chamfered
chamferslanting, sloping, diagonal, oblique
Words nearby Chamfered
chamferchambray, chambré, chambéry, chameleon, chametz, chamfer, chamfer bit, chamfron, chaminade, chamiso, chammy
Origin of Chamfered
1595–1605; back formation from chamfering (taken as chamfer + -ing1) < Middle French chamfrein, variant of chanfreint beveled edge, orig. past participle of chanfraindre to bevel, equivalent to chant edge (< Latin canthus; see cant2) + fraindre to break < Latin frangere; see frangible
Other words from Chamfered
cham·fer·er , noun
un·cham·fered , adjective
Word origin for Chamfered
C16: back formation from chamfering, from Old French chamfrein , from chant edge (see cant ²) + fraindre to break, from Latin frangere
Synonyms for Chamfered
slanting, sloping, diagonal, oblique